Providing Real-Time Data Collection Through an Electronic Danger Assessment Tool

Stellia Zulu
Published in
2 min readDec 2, 2019

Electronic assessment tools allow for the exchange of information electronically and provide better management for data.

Electronic assessment (E-assessment) tools are gaining speed year by year. With the convenience of real-time data collection and storage, paper-based assessment tools are slowly losing their importance and necessity, especially in this digitally influenced world.

E-assessment tools have enhanced the measurement of results and made it possible to obtain immediate and direct feedback

BongoHive Consult developed an online and offline electronic assessment tool to help the client manage their data better.


The client asked for an electronic version of their paper-based danger assessment tool. The tool is used to assess the risk of pregnant women to intimate partner-based violence (gender-based violence). They also asked Bongohive Consult for support in setting up, training and maintenance of the tool and tablets.


The BongoHive Consult team created data-capture forms which were available both online and offline and were administered in four health centres.

The team provided weekly updates on the collection process to help the research team determine how close to their targets they were.


After this intervention, the client benefited from an easy to use system that provided real-time data collection. Additionally, the electronic version of their paper-based danger assessment enabled the client to refer pregnant women who were at risk of violence for help.

You can also take the frontline in using tech to improve the quality of your work by working with Zambia’s best coders at BongoHive Consult.

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Stellia Zulu

Digital Content Creator at BongoHive Technology and Innovation Hub