How to join the Eight Discord

Andy Wong
2 min readSep 1, 2020


This will help you set up a Discord account for Eight if you haven’t got one already.

Click this link

It will open a tab and show you this prompt

Click on “Continue to Discord”

It will ask you to login, if you don’t have an Discord account click on “Register”

After clicking on register, fill in your information and click on continue.

It might ask you to create your own server, but you can click it away.

And click on the plus button at the top left.

Click join server, and paste in the link from before :

After following all the steps you would welcomed by this pop up

Afterwards you can tick the check mark to get access to the free discussion channel

Remember to verify your account! Otherwise you won’t be able to send messages on our server.



Andy Wong

Co-founder of Bit Syndicate, Blockchain enthusiast. Fundamental Analyst for Icoinic. Perpetually-Learning-Individual