Zendaya Doesn’t Need to Show Her Boobies

Because in Euphoria the men are taking their turn

Laura DeMaisBerg
Breast Stories


Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

I’m watching Euphoria right now. People warned me against it because I have a seventeen-year-old daughter. I’ve heard people say that it glorifies drug use and casual sex. As a mother, it is horrifying to watch, but besides the Molly, Fentanyl, excessive drinking, and access to prescription pills, the thing I am most surprised by is the number of penises I have seen on Euphoria.

Zendaya plays Rue, the star of Euphoria. She plays a complex, troubled, amazing sixteen-year-old who struggles with drugs, happiness, and the general bullshit of being alive. I love Zendaya. She went to the same high school as my nephew so I feel close to her, kind of like I know her a little bit.

Rue is exactly who I wish I had been in high school without the drugs. She’s her own person — independent, brave, defiant, and sensitive. Swirling in Rue’s orbit are all kinds of other teens — jocks, mean girls, basic girls, outcasts, bullies, and everything in between. And they all seem to drink excessively, take ridiculous amounts of drugs and have sex constantly. But it’s a really good show. The acting is amazing even though you are constantly shocked by a random penis on the screen.



Laura DeMaisBerg
Breast Stories

I write about seemingly mundane experiences that are relatable because we are human. Subscribe on Substack to get my stories directly: lauramc.sub-stack.com