BOOGA BERAS Cosmos Ecosystem Staking Guide!

Nomad Bera
Booga Beras
Published in
3 min readMay 5, 2024

One of the core value streams for BB holders will be our Cosmos ecosystem validators network. The Booga Beras receive 20% of all rewards generated by our validators! If you want to help us and stake to our validator, the help is welcome and if not, simply hold your NFT and you are already eligible for rewards! You will be able to claim them from our dashboard in the future.

Staking Process — (If you have EVM Assets)

Since there are some Beras that are not familiar with Cosmos ecosystem staking, here’s a guide on some of the simplest ways to stake your assets.

To stake most Cosmos assets, you will need a compatible wallet. For simplicity, we will show you how to use the Cosmostation wallet, but you can also use Leap and Keplr wallet wallets among others. The benefit of Cosmostation wallet is that you can bridge EVM assets into Cosmos.

Here’s the process:

1. Download Cosmostation Wallet and set it up (Download)

2. Once ready, you will see both EVM and Cosmos chains. You can send your EVM funds from your Metamask (Or any EVM wallet) to the EVM address in your Cosmostation wallet.

3. Once you receive the funds on the Cosmostation wallet, you can click on Swap in to Bridge your EVM assets to the desired IBC chain.

4. Select the source chain and token and the destination chain and token that you want and press Swap. (Note: By pressing swap you are bridging your assets and the process might take around 10–20 Minutes)

5. Once you have your Cosmos Token in the native chain, you are ready to stake to Booga Beras! (Note: if you want to AutoCompound, don’t stake yet. Read the instructions at the bottom of this article before)

The first validator we have taken to the active set is our Osmosis validator. You can follow this link to stake with us: Booga Beras Osmosis

6. Once you reach this link, press connect wallet at the top right to connect your Cosmostation wallet. Once you have it connected, you can press on Stake.

7. Now, make sure you see the Booga Beras validator on your screen, select the amount that you want to stake and press stake.

Note: If you have your assets staked, you will be subject to an unbonding period of 14–30 days depending on the Cosmos chain. You can come back to this same dashboard to start the unbonding process.

Staking Process — (If you want to AutoCompound)

We will use Yieldmos as one of our main options for AutoCompounding your rewards. At the moment, its not possible to connect the Cosmostation wallet to Yieldmos. To Autocompound, you will need to use either Leap or Keplr wallet. You can simply create an account in one of these wallets and transfer your assets from Cosmostation wallet into them. As long as you have them in these other wallets, you can enable or disable AutoCompounding at any point.

