Booga Beras Deep Dive Part 4: The Lair

Nomad Bera
Booga Beras
Published in
3 min readApr 18, 2024

A typical issue with randomly generated NFT collections is that even with high-quality art, there are often mismatches that might not resonate with everyone. Additionally, the initial excitement of an NFT mint can diminish over time, causing the collection to feel stale. To counter these challenges, we’ve adopted the dynamic NFT (dNFT) standard for our collection. This allows us to regularly roll out updates and enhancements, ensuring that the collection remains fresh and maintains its momentum long after the initial launch.

The Booga Lair

Booga Beras are dynamic, allowing holders to periodically modify and update the traits of their NFTs. With the introduction of “The Lair,” we’re launching Booga Bera seasons, which will feature new themes and time-limited events for the collection. Each season will introduce two types of traits: visual and utility.

Visual Traits: These allow you to customize the appearance of your NFT according to your preferences. As new seasons roll out, different visual traits will become available, keeping your NFT fresh and unique.

Utility Traits: Our ecosystem is rich with opportunities for holders to earn rewards from various aspects of the collection. Utility traits act as enhancers for these rewards, driving the value of your NFTs by boosting their utility in tangible ways.

Season examples

Undead Season:

· Visual Traits: Zombie eyes, skeleton necklace, vampire teeth

· Utility Traits: Validator rewards booster, increasing rewards by 1.5x

Frozen Season:

· Visual Traits: Winter jacket, icy ears, dripping frozen honey

· Utility Traits: Governance rewards booster, amplifying benefits by 1.5x

Myths Season:

· Visual Traits: Zeus’ thunderbolt, Medusa’s snake hair, Hades’ flames

· Utility Traits: LST (Liquid Staked Tokens) rewards booster, enhancing yields by 1.5x

Booga Beras Utility Customization: Holders can customize their BB any way they want! If you like to have power in governance, you get the $BOOGA booster. If you want liquidity and want more Validator rewards, you get the Val Booster! All of these stack on top of each other, so every BB will be more valuable and unique as seasons pass. Every Booga Bera is fully customizable to what each holder wants to receive.

Seasonal events will strategically emphasize various aspects of the collection, enabling us to guide its evolution and respond effectively to market trends. This flexibility allows us to concentrate on what delivers the most value at any given time. For instance, during a bull market, we’ll focus on generating liquidity for our users, while in a bear market, we might boost staking rewards to preserve liquidity within the collection. Ultimately, holders have the freedom to choose their path, but as the BB team, we’re committed to offering our expertise and navigating the collection through changing market conditions.

Booga Beras Value Stream

The Lair is crafted to enhance customizability within our collection. Holders have the flexibility to alter their NFTs’ appearance or utility, crafting a personalized rewards strategy that aligns with their preferences. Whether it’s boosting validator yields or amplifying governance participation, our aim is to empower holders to focus on and maximize rewards from their chosen value stream. Every Booga Bera will be unique.

Traits can be minted using $HONEY, $BERA, and other ecosystem tokens. Half of these mint funds will be sent to the HoneyPot, benefiting all Beras and helping the treasury’s growth, while the other half will fund ongoing development and art creation.

As we introduce more utility traits over time, our aim is to gradually transfer rewards from the team to our holders, enhancing the ecosystem’s value directly to our supporters. This increase in rewards will grant Booga Beras holders’ greater autonomy, ultimately transitioning the entire BB ecosystem into a DAO, supported technically by our team.

To learn more check out Booga Beras socials below:


