Nomad Bera
Booga Beras
Published in
3 min readApr 27, 2024


Phase 1 of the Boogalist was a complete success. Capped at 1 mint per wallet, the BOOGA mint finished in close to 10 seconds, and the OOGA mint finished in 10 minutes. We had 1K+ users minting at the same time within a 10 minute time frame.

From this mint, we gathered a lot of feedback and now have a better grasp of the dynamics of future mints.

Since the start, we mentioned that the Boogalist is a method to filter out folders and keep only long-term holders for the collection. With over 3 ETH of volume traded for Boogalist tickets on OpenSea, we now know it’s working. Folders have already started selling, and with every sale our Booga Beras mint is better protected!

If you didn’t get a ticket and would like to buy one, the official collections are trading here:



Next Phases and Supply

Phase 2 of the Boogalist Ticket mint starts on April 29th at 4:20PM UTC. On Kingdomly, on Arbitrum for ETH.

Supply: 169 BOOGA and 1,069 OOGA.

Mint is capped at 1 per wallet, but the cap will be raised by 1 every 10 minutes. As you know, this is a free mint, $0 fees and $0 royalties. Just hold ETH for gas.

It will work as follows:

Boogalist Phase 2 Windows (Both BOOGA and OOGA):

Window 1: April 29th, 4:20PM UTC — Mint Cap per Wallet = 1

Window 2: April 29th, 4:30PM UTC — Mint Cap Per Wallet = 2

Window 3: April 29th, 4:40PM UTC — Mint Cap Per Wallet = 3


Mint Out


In terms of eligibility, the ones who folded lose! Anyone that minted and then sold their BOOGA or OOGA ticket is now disqualified from Phase 2 and 3, and you can only come back at Phase 4 after you reflect on what you did. No paper hands allowed in Booga Beras. If you bought it off secondary and then resold it, you’re fine, still qualified.

Anyone who already minted a ticket, regardless of if they sold or not, is now disqualified from Phase 2 to give some room for others to mint. However, they can come back for Phases 3 and 4!!

Everyone else who was already whitelisted for Phase 1 is welcome to participate again in Phase 2, 3 and 4. Whitelist addresses will be analyzed and eliminated, so you will be able to check your eligibility for Phase 2 on April 28th at 5:00PM UTC. No addresses will be added before that date so don’t worry if you don’t appear in the WL yet.

We are still doing WL giveaways on our discord and we will soon start with some quests, so you still have a chance to get into the Boogalist ticket mint!

Phase 3: Date TBA

Phase 4/ Last Phase: Date TBA

Trading your Boogalist Ticket

Our Boogalist tickets are NFTs, and they can be traded on OpenSea in the Arbitrum Network. We will set the collection royalties at 0%, so trade away!

We’re using phases to allow our users to trade their Boogalist Tickets! If you think you have a chance to mint another one for free, you could risk it and try to sell the one you have. If the Boogalist mint was too fast and you didn’t get one, you can buy it from someone on secondary! We hope you enjoy this fun mechanic and have fun through our entire mint process! Let’s get those Booga Beras in the right hands.

Trade on OpenSea:



