Attract What You Want With the Law of Attraction

Carmela Wright
Book Bites
Published in
4 min readJul 22, 2021

The following is adapted from Ever Wish You Got Hit by a Truck? A Woman’s Manual for Bravely Changing Lanes at Any Age by Jennifer Crowley.

The Law of Attraction is said to be a law of the universe, like gravity. It’s always working, whether you know about it and believe in it, and regardless of whether you actively use it or not. It uses the attractive, magnetic power of the universe.

The basic premise is that like attracts like, positivity attracts positivity, and negativity attracts negativity. Your positive or negative beliefs, thoughts, words, and actions can bring positive or negative experiences into your life.

If you’re reading about the Law of Attraction for the first time it may feel like a stretch, but there are plenty of books on the subject and some science to back it up. My first exposure to its underlying concepts came from Deepak Chopra’s book, The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire: Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence.

Reading this self-help book was an epiphany and showed up at exactly the right time in my life, when I knew I wanted more for myself. And that was quite a coincidence.

That being said, there is mystery and a little intrigue surrounding the Law of Attraction. Some argue that it’s always been in existence, and that Jesus, Buddha, and many other religious and spiritual figures of the world have used its concepts in their work and teachings.

The first extensive and formal writing about the Law came in the late 1800s, in a book called Thoughts Are Things, written by Prentice Mulford. He was an important figure in the New Thought philosophy, which has been called a religion of healthy mindedness.

Ultimately, our ability to attract good, positive things that resonate at a higher vibration comes from the practice of raising our own energy and vibrations to match them. By doing this, along with clearly setting intentions for what we think we can truly attain and continuously exploring the future fantastic feelings of attaining it, we energetically create our path to it. You don’t need to understand the exact science behind the Law of Attraction to put it to use and attract what you want.

12 Easy Ways to Raise Your Energy and Vibration

Our thoughts are pure energy. Keeping them and yourself positive, uplifted, and happy is the name of the game. These actions are easy to do and many will sound familiar.

  1. Have a morning ritual to set a positive tone for the day. Be grateful and optimistic.
  2. Take time to visualize the things you want and feel how marvelous your life will be once you have them.
  3. Journal about what you want to draw into your life; be specific and include details!
  4. Move your body. Get up and stretch when you’ve been sitting too long. Raise your heart rate by walking and doing cardio.
  5. Properly fuel your body by eating and drinking healthy foods.
  6. Read and watch what inspires you most. Yes, inspirational quotes count.
  7. Turn on and turn up the music. Sing and dance too, if you’re feeling it.
  8. Smile, laugh, be silly, hug, and connect in every possible way with the people you love.
  9. Spend as much time outdoors with nature as you can.
  10. Do fun, creative activities that you personally enjoy. Adult coloring books are available in checkout lanes, and wine and painting are a great pairing. If you can sew, knit, or crochet, I’m in awe of you.
  11. Nap. A cup of tea or coffee followed by a 20-minute mid-day catnap will re-energize you.
  12. Use essential oils. Each has its own benefits, and many have both energizing and calming abilities. Use in a diffuser, apply to your wrist, or use in a bath. Eucalyptus, lemon, and bergamot oil are my three favorites. (Always check the label to see if they’re safe for use in direct contact with skin.)

To use the Law of Attraction in this process, start by visualizing what you want and feeling what it will be like to have it. Think optimistic and uplifting thoughts, put as much good out into the world as possible with your actions, and pass along positive energy to everyone you come into contact with, regardless of their disposition. You’ll get back what you give, and these acts together will amplify your ability to effect change and create the life you want.

For more advice on how to use the Law of Attraction to create the life you want, you can find Ever Wish You Got Hit by a Truck? on Amazon.

Jennifer Crowley is a certified life coach and founder of Changeable Coaching, where she works primarily with women looking to make impactful changes in themselves and in their lives. She is also a leadership consultant, working with entrepreneurs to help them strengthen their management skills and develop healthy cultures of success. Prior to her professional life as a coach and consultant, Jennifer made the decision to leave behind a successful 20-year career as an executive in the wine industry to follow her calling and share her path to change and fulfillment. Learn more about Jennifer at

