How This Self-Published Author Sold 800,000 Copies of Her Books

Charlie Hoehn
Book Bites
Published in
5 min readOct 10, 2017


Honorée Corder started her writing career as a single mom over a decade ago. Today, she is the author of dozens of self-published books, which have collectively sold more than 800,000 copies. She is also Hal Elrod's business partner for The Miracle Morning bestselling book series.

In this post, Honorée shares the most important lessons she’s learned over her career as a successful self-published author.

“You must write a book.”

In the early 2000’s, Honorée decided to attend a personal growth seminar in California where Mark Victor Hanson, the co-author of The Chicken Soup for the Soul series, was a speaker.

Honorée sat in the back of the room, when suddenly, Mark came over and sat next to her. As they introduced themselves, she mentioned that she was a business coach and speaker.

Mark replied:

“Honey, everybody is a business coach and a speaker.”

Then he said, “You must write a book.” (In a twist of fate, You Must Write a Book became one of her best-selling titles.)

Mark asked if Honorée had a presentation that she had given multiple times, that audiences liked. He said, “Sit down at your computer, and type…



Charlie Hoehn
Book Bites

Author, speaker. I help companies elevate their cultures through the power of play.