How to Activate Your Natural Spiritual Power and Let Your Gifts Guide Your Life.

Berkeley Kershisnik
Book Bites
Published in
7 min readMay 13, 2021

The following is adapted from The Third Eye Diet by Alyssa Malehorn.

Think of someone you deeply admire, not just for what they’ve accomplished but for who they are as a person. A person who seems at home in their body, who seems to react with grace to every situation. A person who seems to know the energy in the room as soon as they walk into it. Guided by their intuition, they move through life with effortless confidence, seeing the potential for good in everything that happens around them. They are like a great musician, and the world is their instrument.

When you’re around this person, you instantly feel at ease, grounded. Their presence puts your problems and uncertainties to rest. Being around them, you just feel better.

But even though you may have often tried to emulate their confidence in your own life — to think and act in a way that channels the balance and beauty they project — it’s proved to be challenging for you. It’s as though they have something extraordinary. Something supernatural. And you might even have felt like you’d give anything to learn the secret knowledge they seem to have.

You may have spent years trying one spiritual practice after another in hopes that it will boost you up to that higher self that this person embodies. But the more teachings or practices you collect, the less connected you may feel to yourself. Even the blissed out spiritual high that comes from intensive energy work can leave you feeling spacey and disconnected. Meanwhile, when you do make progress, it doesn’t seem to stick.

In contrast, this person seems entirely grounded. Their energy isn’t manufactured — it’s completely natural. They have embodied their highest self. They’re in their true, divine nature.

“You’re So Sensitive”

In your life, you may have been labeled “sensitive” often enough to know it’s not always a compliment. It’s a word that sometimes gets used for people who can’t take a joke, who always perceive themselves as being slighted, who react to every small setback as if it is a full-blown crisis.

At times, your sensitivity has likely served you well, alerting you to potential danger or guiding you to take necessary action. But sometimes your sensitivity may make you feel like an outsider. When you try to ignore it, to just be like everyone else, you may regret not listening to your intuition. But when you let your sensitivity run your life, it can leave you feeling fragile, exposed, alone.

If that’s where you find yourself, your level of sensitivity is working against you, not for you.

When we act, think, or sense from this level of instability (with accompanying emotions like fear, control, or anger), we experience what the energy healing world refers to as “constriction.” There’s a reason you can feel tightness in your body during moments of fear — maybe your throat closes up when you’re engaged in an argument, or your stomach clenches into a ball when you’re anxious. If this is your experience, you’re far from alone. Living in an energetically constricted state is a cultural epidemic in this day and age.

The constricted self, also called the “lower self,” is primarily oriented toward survival. When you are living mainly through the lower self, your energy or “lightbody” is unable to function at a higher level. In that constricted state, every effort toward spiritual growth can feel like pushing a boulder up a hill. Your body saves its energy for only the most necessary, survival-oriented tasks.

However, as you move out of this constricted state, your sensitivity actually becomes a support system. Over time, it changes from a liability to a superpower.

Think of it this way: if you have a highly refined sense of smell, you’re going to enjoy a walk through a rose garden a lot more than most people. However, you’re also going to be more alert to the smell of strong cologne or road fumes. Similarly, a heightened spiritual sensitivity allows you to tune in to both high and low vibrational states. Learning to focus more attention on the high vibe state paves the way for natural expansion, the opposite of constriction. In a state of expansion, your body and mind become more open, more receptive, which leads to the awakening of your natural intuitive gifts.

The key is making the choice as to how you want to live, constricted or expanded, and finding ways to support that state of being.

Almost no one lives 100 percent of the time in either the lower self or higher self. Rather, we all tend to ping-pong between both until we’ve more fully integrated the higher self, the aspect of us that lives beyond the limitations of fear. The important thing to remember is that living from within the higher self is not limited to a chosen few. Rather, it’s the most natural state for you (and everyone) to live in. After all, if humans were built to live from the lower self, it would be health-promoting. But instead, operating in a near-constant state of constriction is completely degenerative to every system in our body. No wonder chronic illness is such a widespread issue today!

Trusting Yourself

You’ve probably come to this article because you’re not feeling as connected with your true self as you’d like to be. You may have trouble trusting your inner voice, and that lack of trust may have led you into some challenging situations. You may feel really sensitive and may be trying to get a handle on those feelings and how you respond to them.

If that’s where you find yourself, I’m so excited to welcome you to this journey. For the past twenty-five years, it’s been my joy to partner with lightworkers and old souls just like you, who are ready to shift into a higher level of spiritual consciousness and unlock the gifts they were put on earth to offer.

If you’re unfamiliar with these terms, that’s okay. Believe it or not, they likely describe you!

A lightworker is anyone who feels the desire to be in service to others and/or the planet. They have a healer’s heart and know that they are part of something bigger than themselves. They often gravitate toward the healing arts but can be found in every walk of life and every career imaginable. Lightworkers are driven to answer the call of their soul and are committed to living beyond the limitations of fear.

An old soul is someone who, having lived many lifetimes, has progressed through the first several stages of soul development (infant, child, adolescent, mature) and is now operating from a more heart-centered state. Old souls typically can feel overwhelmed by modern life — they might feel like they’re an outsider in their family of origin or feel out of place with their culture. Because their healing nature can be felt a mile away, old souls tend to have their own emotional issues and traumas to heal, as well as attract other people who are struggling with issues and need a soft place to land. They may often compromise themselves for the benefit of others until they learn a new way of being. Waking up to who they really are helps them attract other old souls and step into their true power.

The Third Eye Diet is all about rediscovering your truly natural state and retraining yourself to live from it by elevating consciousness via third eye activation. As you reclaim your innate spiritual gifts, your sensitivity will become your friend, even if it has felt like a curse in the past. You’ll know when to constrict and when to expand. You’ll be able to truly trust your body, your mind, and your emotions. You’ll be able to make correct discernments about what you’re sensing — in other words, to operate confidently out of your intuition.

As you get started on this journey, I want to reassure you that you already have everything that you need to experience the connection you desire. You are naturally wired to live from and through your highest self, to operate in perfect flow with your intuition, and to naturally feel connected with all other living things.

To expand out of that lower self, all you have to do is take steps toward activating what’s naturally within you. In doing so, you’ll start to access higher levels of an inner knowing. With this knowing comes peace, clarity, and an ability to understand life’s situations through a higher-level awareness. This increases flow in every part of your life.

Instead of being overwhelmed by challenges, you’ll be empowered to honor and learn from every situation you’re in.

Instead of buying into the stories that are triggered by stress and can lead you down the rabbit hole of worry, confusion, and chaos, you’ll be able to access a higher-level perspective that lets you experience power, clarity, and love.

Instead of fighting against your limits to get what you want out of life, you’ll experience a limitless state of being, where everything you sense helps you get what you want — and more importantly, be who you’re meant to be.

It’s an incredible joy, and I’m so excited for you to experience it.

Wondering what all this has to do with your diet? Grab a copy of The Third Eye Diet on Amazon to find out!

ALYSSA MALEHORN has been an intuitive channel her entire life. Learning how to function with that level of sensitivity taught her how to thrive in the physical world while living multidimensionally. Now, Alyssa serves as a spiritual teacher and ascension guide who supports higher-consciousness awakening in others through live events, retreats, courses, and coaching. She is the creator of Channeled Light Healing — an ever-expanding energy healing modality that is twenty-five years in the making — and a mentor for others in the holistic, healing, and intuitive arts. She is the cohost of the Raw Spirituality Podcast and author of the book How Old Is Your Soul?

