Learn How to Communicate with the Soul

Carmela Wright
Book Bites
Published in
5 min readMay 27, 2021

The following is adapted from Guided by Siri K. Zemel, PhD.

Annie had flowing silver hair and a smile that could warm anyone’s heart. We had a shared excitement and enthusiastic curiosity about the spiritual dimension, and I eventually transitioned to partnering with her in this shamanic work. Hanging out on her screened-in back porch or in one of our living rooms felt much more relaxed than a clinical office.

As a seasoned clinical psychologist for the past twenty-five years, Annie was well-versed in both meditation and hypnosis. Partnering with her was helpful as she skillfully guided me to notice my breath and to imagine being surrounded in a protective, healing light. She would count back from ten to one, cueing the tongue-speak to begin. Together, she and I tightened and strengthened the communication system down to a science. We would meet up, step in and out of a metaphysical experience in an hour’s time, and then pop back into our normal lives without missing a beat.

Traversing worlds became easily accessible, and the connections felt safe and loving. Yet, I remained dubious. Was this connection legitimate? Were these interpreted messages trustworthy? Open and exploratory, Annie and I enjoyed these interesting adventures together as a unique facet of our friendship. Feeling a curiosity about — and connection with — a magnified power beyond comprehension, we kept coming back to the classroom to hear what I would say.

Understand that your heart is a vast opening, a portal that allows for communication with the soul. There is not a great distance to travel. In fact, there is no distance to travel at all. The unseen is right here. It is superimposed with the physical realm — intermingled with the things you can see, hear, touch, and feel. Both the spiritual and physical realms exist as one continuation, along a vibrational spectrum. There is no separation or duality.

Return to the heart center — the seat of compassion, connection, and love. This energy center in the chest allows you to understand and connect with yourself and others on a deeper level. It is so valuable to get out of your head, your worry, your doubt, and control. Drop to the heart center to experience a sense of love, compassion, and acceptance for your state of being, just as you are.

Practice using the doorway of your heart. This allows your soul to remember. For you, my dear, these practices will help you remember that which you have left behind. Now it is time to practice that which will help you feel more whole. There is no special breath, mantra, or intention. There is nothing to make happen. Drop into the sea of consciousness, of God, of All That Is. Once you are floating there, your only job is to be, absorb, receive, observe — to feel and to know, to remember this was the place before life, and this is the place after life. This is the medicine that heals; this is the knowledge that guides; this is the network that loves, supports, and nurtures the soul. This is the vibration that changes the structure of the mind and how it sees, perceives, and interacts with this world. This is pure Source.

When I was in Catholic elementary schools, I felt a richness and fullness amidst the high ceilings and stain-glassed windows, the sound of prayerful chants, and the smell of incense and old wooden pews. These external cues invited a Godly connection I deeply enjoyed. I found the same to be true in my young adult years of practicing Sikhism. Covering my head, sitting cross-legged on the temple floor, and meditating on the One brought a sense of unity. Yet with mid-life adulthood came a cynical view of all organized religion with its pretenses and hierarchies. So, I retired from religion altogether. I embraced meditation and a relationship with nature to experience a connection with divinity devoid of exterior facades and complicated rules.

However, my husband, Michael — a brilliant, well-patented, well-published metabolic scientist — was evolving in a very different direction. As I traversed beyond the physical here and now into the ethers, Michael ratcheted up his rule-abiding Jewish observance. His nature was rigid, methodical, and disciplined, which is likely why he was so successful in his career. Michael’s new and intense attachment to religious disciplines was beautiful to him but quite distressing to my sense of boundless spiritual freedom. When I addressed this discrepancy in our worldviews, it seemed to drive each of us farther into our respective philosophical corners.

Michael wanted to discuss the timing of sunset each Friday night and the ancient laws of the Torah. He became more involved in the Jewish community. I was concerned this layer of religiosity in the home and marriage would interfere with my free-flowing spiritual connection. Though I still couldn’t explain or understand it, my strange, new dimension-hopping had become sacred and important to me. It gave me a sense of wholeness, at least, in the fleeting moments when I received channeled information. I hadn’t asked for it, but at this point, I was attached to this new relationship with the unknown. I didn’t want to lose it.

It does not matter where you live, the time in which you live, or the place where you live; we are here just the same. Rest assured. We will not leave. We are not going anywhere. Trust in that. We will always be right by your side, connected and inseverable until the day you die. Everything, all parts of you, all pieces, all expressions are beautiful and part of your life and your path. You are a whole, dynamic, multilayered, multidimensional being. There is no need to worry, stress, or be afraid.

To learn more about awakening the soul, Guided is available on Amazon.

Siri K. Zemel, PhD, holds a doctorate in mind-body medicine with a concentration in healthcare systems. Dr. Zemel has served in behavioral healthcare leadership for the past fifteen years and recently embraced her lifelong gift as a spiritual medium. With a master’s degree in nutrition science, she began her early career as a dietitian. She was raised Catholic, converted to Sikhism, married a Jew, and then retired from organized religion altogether. Dr. Zemel is an advocate for integrative healing, including the incorporation of mystical experiences alongside traditional physical and mental healthcare.

