Overcome Your Internal Limitations and Realign Your Belief System

Kelly Teemer
Book Bites
Published in
4 min readApr 11, 2019
Photo by Levi Guzman on Unsplash

The following is adapted from The Abundance Codes.

We all deal with limiting thoughts that hold us back:

I’m not good enough. I can’t do this. What if I fail and look stupid?

Dealing with those internal limitations starts with becoming fully aware of the thoughts you have related to fear, self-doubt, or even self-sabotage. Once you do that, you can learn how to coexist with them since they’re part of your humanity.

You’re not going to be able to completely eradicate them, but in this article, we’ll show you how to overcome them, then replace those beliefs with supportive ones.

You Can’t Run from Your Fears

Becoming fearless isn’t realistic. You’re human, so you’re going to come face-to-face with fear throughout your lifetime. The key, again, is being aware of your fear.

When you do that, you can manage it and then dissolve it to overcome the limitation. In this way, overcoming fear is more of a dance than a confrontation.

You see it, play with it, and eventually, the dance is over.

Don’t give too much power to your fear. Dance with it, but don’t let it control you.

You are limiting yourself if you believe thoughts such as “You can’t understand, but the fear was so powerful” or “Self-doubt in that situation gets me every time.”

Instead of self-sabotaging with thoughts like those, tell yourself this instead:

I am more powerful than my limitations, and I choose to dance with them.

Keep this truth in mind as we step now into an exercise to activate this belief.

Open Yourself Up to Limitless Possibilities

Sit or lie comfortably and close your eyes. Allow yourself to enter a deep sense of relaxation. Visualize an important goal and notice what it feels like to achieve it.

Notice a line running on either side of your visualization.

One line is directed toward your past and another toward your future.

Notice the line pointing toward your past. See all the moments in time that led to achieving this manifestation of the goal you are visualizing.

Observe all the limiters that blocked your progress toward this goal.

Notice the line pointing toward your divine future.

Dance and play with all the potential limiters. Be unapologetically human with them. These are no longer obstacles; they are mere playmates.

Feel a golden light hovering just above your head. Allow it into your conscious and subconscious so it can fully support your abundant future. Let that golden light settle into place. Your heart space is now filled with love and gratitude.

You can stay in meditation of this new awareness for as long as you’d like.

Realign Your Belief System

As we just saw, your beliefs are just thoughts that can shift, change, or be deleted. Beliefs can be pulled from the unconscious to the conscious anytime. You just need to know how to recognize and rewire them when they’re out of alignment.

Just because certain beliefs have been ingrained in you since childhood doesn’t mean they can’t be rewired. Flexibility is vital to overcoming this limiter. Certain people are inherently more flexible than others. You are capable of change at any time in your life, because you’re human, and adaptability is a vital part of your nature.

Let’s walk through a similar exercise as before, keeping this belief in mind:

I choose to realign my beliefs with ease to support what I’m manifesting.

Write Down Your Negative Beliefs

For this exercise, start by choosing a physical manifestation you’re trying to call forward into your reality. Make sure it’s specific.

Don’t just ask for more time; instead, ask what specific things you want more time for. If you want more wealth, think of a specific monetary goal.

After you’ve thought about this, ask yourself, “What things are currently holding me back from manifesting this?” Then, write them all down somewhere.

Once you’ve written those negative thoughts down, write a follow-up that overrides the limitation. For example, you might write something like “I want to manifest an amazing relationship, but I don’t want to sacrifice my career to get it.” Rewire that situation by saying, “I can balance an amazing relationship with a rewarding career.”

For every negative belief, write three overrides to prove ample opportunities exist to overcome any preconceived limitations. Catch any negative self-talk that is misaligned with the phrases you wrote down. At any moment, if you find yourself thinking, “Oh boy, this is going to be a brutal day,” acknowledge it and rewire it.

Instead, say something like “I am ready to make today a great day!”

For more advice on overcoming your internal limitations, you can find The Abundance Codes at https://abundancecodes.com/the-abundance-codes-book

Regan Hillyer is a serial entrepreneur, philanthropist, and mindset coach. She believes strongly in every person’s ability to unlock true greatness within themselves. As the founder of Regan Hillyer International, she helps people reach their true potential in business and in life. An internationally recognized thought leader in personal development, Regan has already shared her message of the abundant possibilities in life with thousands of successful men and women all over the world. Her passion for success is matched only by her passion for life itself. Juan Pablo Barahona (JuanPa) is a transformational spiritual leader. He has inspired millions around the world with his various teachings of abundance in life and a connection among humanity for over two decades. As an internationally recognized visionary, speaker, and founder of JuanPa Global, his brand strives to help people understand and realize their true purpose in life. His powerful messages concerning love for oneself and others are now available in both online and offline formats. Connect with JuanPa today to begin the process of reaching your full potential.

