The World Needs You to Do Something

Carmela Wright
Book Bites
Published in
4 min readMay 25, 2021

The following is adapted from Reclamation by Lona Cook.

I don’t know your life. However, we share a bond in our humanity. Our energetic state radiates out and ultimately matters to what we are creating. You can think of us as walking magnets, attracting some people and things while resisting others.

Someone who complains and is grumpy all the time — their life and worldview mirrors that. Someone who can make lemonade out of lemons seems to have a lucky horseshoe in their pocket. Someone who dreams of great things, knows their life can be magical.

Really, all these different personality types are just sending out different energy, and the Universe is always seeking to match it.

Open Your Mind to New Possibilities

Line up your thoughts. Take a new path. Make a degree shift in some of your beliefs. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.

Don’t know what to do? My grandfather used to always tell us, “Do something, kid. Even if it’s wrong.” What I think he meant was: don’t sit on your ass; go for something. Think, dream, and then take action. Do not be immobilized by needing to have it all figured out.

I have found that by operating this way, you make some moves that don’t work out; however, you find out faster which ones will work and which ones won’t. Navigating becomes easier again because you have momentum with you. You are not just sitting waiting for the perfect time.

Create something? Great! What’s the next step? Don’t know how to do it? Find someone who does, but keep it moving forward. No one is going to do it for you, nor should they. You will have a lot of help along the way as your momentum grows and you continue to attract new opportunities.

Don’t Let Money Stop You from Aiming Higher

Also, do not let money be the thing that stops you. Learn that if money is your excuse for not doing things, it may be time to put some energy into listening to podcasts, books, and seminars that teach about abundance and becoming better at money habits. An education nowadays can be basically free with all the podcasts and YouTube channels out there. Get educated.

This concept of looking at money as an exchange of energy can be really helpful. If you can help others, you can make money. If you can do more “work” and be of “service” with more energy and more of you (and your gifts) compared to where you are currently, the Universe will reward you. It is the law of exchange.

Don’t believe me? Look at your life. The amount of effort and energy you are actually expanding into the universe and others (instead of me, me, me) will show up in your life. If you can improve your ability to receive abundance, this will be radically helpful. Some of us have a hard time with this concept, so abundance comes to us in other ways.

Accept Negativity and Move On

Lastly, we all have negative thoughts. We all have trials and tribulations. We all have periods of our life that are not going to be glamorous and may be gut-wrenching. These periods offer strength; you are forged by the fire. Can you shed what doesn’t serve you, learn, and become like a tree that keeps growing and bends with the wind, or do you snap?

To allow your frustration and not be won over by it. To allow your pain, and not let it break you. To fail at one thing and realize it’s not the end of the story. Learn to allow, take stock of where you are, and move on. And keep on dreaming of the next step you are going to do!

We Are Never “Finished”

We are not going to ever get “done.” We are a sliver in this tapestry, but that does not make us insignificant. Our energy in the field is important; for our own life and those connected to us, as well as those we will never meet.

Do not be discouraged by trials, tribulations, and things that come out of left field. There is still order. This snapshot we have in our moment right now is just one small sliver of what is unfolding. Sometimes it is helpful to remember this as you work on your level of acceptance and stepping into the new.

I will keep moving. I will tune within and then take the next step to create. I will be doing all these steps right along with you.

For more advice on doing something, you can find Reclamation on Amazon.

Lona Cook is an author, a chiropractor, and a firm believer in personal growth and holistic health. A thriving entrepreneur, she has been practicing since 2010 in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, where she lives with her husband and two sons. Her greatest passion lies in helping others recognize the Intelligence in their mind, body, and spirit, so they can apply that innate guidance throughout their lives and reach their own highest potential. Find her at

