Thought You Couldn’t Reverse Your Type 2 Diabetes? Think Again.

Zach Obront
Book Bites
Published in
6 min readMay 27, 2021

The following is adapted from The ProFAST Diet by Dr. Brian Mowll.

I needed to do something drastic.

I had just woken up with my pillow soaked in sweat and my heart racing. It was about three o’clock in the morning, and I went downstairs, pulled out my blood pressure machine, and hooked myself up. What I saw on the display thoroughly shocked and frightened me. My blood pressure was higher than it had ever been at 190/120. Not only that, but I felt hot, swollen, and sick. It was at that moment that I decided to do something profoundly different.

I felt like I was on a train moving toward a life that I didn’t want — one of obesity, diabetes, medications, disease, and early death. If I didn’t change right away, I felt that I might never be able to stop the momentum. And I had that sinking feeling in my chest that it was almost too late.

The thing is, I should have known better. I had been practicing for almost ten years, helping people prevent and reverse chronic disease with nutrition and lifestyle management. I had seen the worst of the worst when it comes to diabetes and metabolic problems. I had images etched into my mind of people losing their feet, going blind, injecting insulin, and lying in bed on kidney dialysis because they didn’t stop it in time. Still, I had let it happen.

Over the preceding three years, I had slowly gained thirty pounds. It had been a tough period in my life. I got divorced, moved several times, ended a business relationship with another doctor, and had a lot of financial stress. At times, my life seemed out of control. So, I ate. My diet wasn’t even that bad except for the popcorn and fries that I enjoyed a bit too often, but I was overeating at night while worrying about my future.

Have you ever felt like you were at a crossroads with your health? Like you had to do something radically different or you might lose your health forever? That’s exactly how I felt.

I had heard about the protein-sparing modified fast and had researched it as a potential treatment option for my patients with obesity and diabetes but never thought that I would need it. It was a protein-centric, energy-restricted diet designed to help people maintain and protect lean body mass while losing weight or during illness.

There were dozens of studies showing the effectiveness of this program, but it wasn’t easy. I knew that I needed something that would produce rapid results and would work if I committed to it, and I felt confident that the PSMF could provide that type of success. So, that’s what I did.

During the next several months, I lost the thirty pounds that I had gained in the three years before that and was able to shed an additional twenty pounds while cutting my body fat by almost 20 percent and adding muscle. More importantly, I was able to normalize my blood sugar, blood pressure, lipids, and hormone levels while creating more energy and feeling better than I ever had. The program completely changed my life.

Since my transformation, I’ve helped hundreds of my patients and clients using an adapted version of the program that I called my “secret weapon.” My clients have lost weight, reversed type-2 diabetes and pre-diabetes, reduced hypertension, eliminated medications, and gained the mental and physical health they desired.

After ten years, working with hundreds of clients, the latest evolution of my secret weapon is now called the ProFAST diet.

Your Own Turning Point

Let me guess. You’re reading this right now because you need to make a significant change as well. Perhaps you’re feeling frustrated with your weight or blood sugar levels. Maybe you feel cheated by your doctor because they never do anything to fix the problem and only want to prescribe medication.

You’re probably concerned, like I was, about your future and what might happen if you continue on the path that you are on. Maybe you worry about having a heart attack or stroke, losing your eyesight or a limb, or not being able to enjoy your family and retirement because your health is suffering.

If you’re like most of my patients and clients, you probably hate the idea of being or becoming diabetic, taking drugs for the rest of your life, and depending on others to take care of you.

Does this describe you?

If so, I have advice that can help you.

Many people feel embarrassed by their weight or diabetes diagnosis and feel guilty about the diet and lifestyle choices that created the situation.

You don’t need to feel that way anymore.

In my program, you can expect to burn fat — lots of it. Most people will lose ten pounds within the first two weeks. They’ll drop fifteen to twenty pounds after four weeks and up to thirty pounds after eight. Most people see dramatic improvements in blood sugar levels, blood pressure, and lipids during the ProFAST diet.

You’ll probably find that once you get through the first few days of the program, it will be remarkably easy to stick to it. That’s because protein, the primary macronutrient in the diet, has the most potent effect on satiety, and the ketones your body is producing will suppress appetite as well.

Also, you’ll likely notice an almost immediate improvement in the way that you feel. When you start liberating the stored energy from your fat cells and your body starts burning all that fat, you’ll feel full of life and vitality, with a clear mind and a supercharged body.

As you progress through The ProFAST Diet, the positive changes will often start to build. As you lose body fat and lower circulating insulin levels, your blood pressure will likely come down, and you’ll retain less fluid. With lower blood sugar and lower insulin, you’ll reduce your risk of developing diabetes or start to reverse its progression.

Many people also report that they sleep better, have more sexual desire, have a clearer mind and better memory, and have less inflammation. Studies show that with lower weight, body fat, and insulin levels, the risk for many types of cancer reduces dramatically.

There’s also a direct link between blood sugar, insulin resistance, and Alzheimer’s disease, and as you improve these markers, your risk for dementia can decrease as well.

I’ve seen these changes happen firsthand in hundreds of my patients and clients over the years, and I know this program can work for you, too.

This program is the beginning of a new journey. It’s helped me to lose weight and stay lean, regain normal blood pressure and blood sugar, and handle stress better, knowing that I’m in control of my health.

In just a few months, you could be ready to trade diabetes, high blood sugar, and medications for smaller-sized clothes, more peace of mind, and a healthier future.

To learn more about how to reverse type 2 diabetes, The ProFAST Diet is available on Amazon.

Dr. Brian Mowll is a certified diabetes care and education specialist, a master diabetes educator, and the medical director of SweetLife Diabetes Health Centers. He is the six-time host of the global Diabetes Summit and of the number-one-rated Mastering Blood Sugar podcast. He also serves on the board of the Low Carb Diabetes Association.

Dr. Mowll has been helping patients and clients reverse type 2 diabetes and blood sugar problems through his personalized programs for over twenty years. He speaks regularly at health and diabetes conferences around the world and blogs at

Brian has four children and resides in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.

