You Can Open Yourself Up to Infinite Possibilities, But First You Have to Create a Healthy Foundation

Crystal Newsom
Book Bites
Published in
4 min readFeb 17, 2022

The following is adapted from Finally Thriving by Allison Pelot.

I’ve often wondered why the common narrative for most people is that the glass seems half empty instead of the glass being half full.

Why do so many of us go straight to the worst-case scenario? Why isn’t it a thing to go to the best-case scenario? Or, more directly: what we really want.

Part of it could be that we haven’t yet defined what we truly desire. The other part of it could be that we’ve been conditioned to think this way by the people around us. They weren’t taught how to think optimistically either, and most of us just continue that cycle of doom and gloom.

Find Your Default

What is your default? Where does your mind go first?

I remember a time when I had certain beliefs, ideas, and stories I’d ride or die with. Like I needed to dim myself to fit in or that I was a good person only if I sacrificed myself for others’ benefits.

In time, I came to realize that was not serving me, or anyone else for that matter. I was only hurting myself because I was not being honest about what I truly wanted. I didn’t yet realize that if I focused on the goodness in life, more would come.

Your dominant perspective is everything, so pay close attention to it. Also, think about it: the likelihood of a situation turning out in your favor and for the good of all is just as possible as it is not working out or going bad.

Both are possibilities. It really just comes down to what we want to create.

Change Your Perception

This might feel like a stretch if you’ve been identifying with your stories for some time now, but it doesn’t have to be. We can simply change our perception and then watch our lives unfold into what we truly desire.

Let me introduce you to loving yourself, to optimism and positivity. This is how people who have been conditioned into limitation break out of that limitation and create something beautiful. This is where all of your creativity and innovation come from.

I’m not saying you should deny reality. But why not create a reality you want to live?

Meet Paris Robinson

One of the best examples of this is Paris Robinson. I first met Paris when he was a guest on my podcast. He shared he was shot four times in the chest, and he found himself paralyzed from the neck down.

His low defining moment was when he was lying in bed one day and couldn’t even swat a fly off of his face. Realizing he was powerless to even this small fly, he fell into an abyss of hopelessness and despair.

Then, he heard his mother (who had passed away) tell him he must keep going and not give up. Hearing her voice caught his attention, and so he thought about what he could do now to improve his condition.

Among other things, he no longer would allow any of the staff to talk negatively or focus on limits when they were in his room. Paris also requested he start feeding himself as he began regaining more of his abilities. It took a long time, but he eventually regained the use of his arms. This was all due to his focus and his change in perception. That’s how powerful this can be.

Focus on What You Can Control

What can you control now? Start by letting go of the things you cannot control and focusing on what you truly can — like getting to bed on time, eating nutritious and delicious foods, getting sunlight, moving every day, and feeling grateful.

Begin talking to yourself with kind, loving words that describe more of what you want to create. Notice how much you use words like “shouldn’t,” “wouldn’t,” “couldn’t,” and “don’t.”

Change these words out for phrases like “I get to,” “I am,” and “I want to.” This puts you in a place of honesty and owning what you create rather than projecting what you don’t want.

Set up a structure for yourself, too. Yes, you may waver at times, but the structure provides a routine you can always come back to when you notice you are out of alignment. This is what will ground you into your new reality.

Create Responsibility and Accountability in Your Life

You can create responsibility and accountability in your life by implementing these strategies. And, perhaps most importantly, you can begin to make your default love, optimism, and positivity.

Believe it or not, you’ll soon realize how this can open you up to infinite possibilities within your body, mind, and spirit. That’s the kicker: you have to create a healthy foundation, and a healthy perspective is a key component of your foundation.

For more advice on how to shift your mindset to love, optimism, and positivity, you can find Finally Thriving on Amazon.

Allison Pelot is a dynamic fitness trainer and energy coach specializing in rapid, permanent change through corrective exercise, metabolic nutrition, and energetic alignment. She helps people feel strong, confident, and calm in their bodies for life-changing results — with practical, proven energy skills, including mindfulness, reflection, and deep affirmations. Through Allison’s signature mix of humor, entertainment, and authenticity, her podcast, Integrate Yourself, has inspired thousands to approach their health and wellness in a whole new way. Tap into your creative expression, understand yourself, embrace your joy, and create the body and life you want, starting right now. Learn more at

