How to stay focused when there are so many distractions around

Farzana Afrin Tisha
Book Defender
Published in
2 min readFeb 24, 2018


I’m sure the blog which i’m going to write today contains nothing new that you guys don’t already know. So today’s blog of mine will be entirely on my point of view or perception on how to avoid distractions and to stay focused on the things you want from life.

I’m not a crazy DiCaprio fan but i love this quote of him that-

“Every next level of life will demand a different you.”

And i completely agree on his point. I’ve realized with my few years of life on earth is that-

“Change is certainly the only constant”

and we need to change for better.

It’s a continuous struggle for everyone to level up and go bigger. And for this course of journey, there comes many times in our life when it seems life has become way harder and the confidence level of us that we used to have feels completely gone. Despite having a firm foundation, we feel like we’re standing on nothing and that everything around us is falling apart like sandcastle. And we will begin to question ourselves and our goals, we’ll feel alone even among our close friends, we’ll feel numb to what was used to inspire us and so on.

At times like this i got 4 rules that i like to revise and try to mumble even when any of the upper consequences happen. Which are to-

  1. Invest on myself
  2. Invest on the relationships that matters
  3. Try to see the bigger picture rather than the short time delights
  4. Pray at any forms that’s possible (it ensures inner peace, trust me on that)

Also got these few steps that might be helpful for you guys for avoiding day to day distractions-

  • Take notes and schedule the day to manage your time efficiently
  • Say no to multitasking
  • Do silent the excessive notifications
  • Keep distracting people and things at bay

There’s a quote by German quantum theorist and Nobel Prize winner — Max Planck that

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

and also we are the ones responsible of our deeds.

Like famous African-American painter William H. Johnsen said,

“If it is to be, it is up to me.”

We have to stop playing the victim to external circumstances and have to take responsibility for our life. We are responsible for how we respond to life and no longer we can blame others for any lack on our part.

Then remember- every choice has a cost and consequences and free-will doesn’t exist.

So distraction is normal but to get out of that is entirely up to us.

“Let our eyes be on the price”

Cheers everyone!



Farzana Afrin Tisha
Book Defender

IT Business Developer, Digital Marketeer, Traveller, Reader, karateka.@