What is wrong with people who read too much

Farzana Afrin Tisha
Book Defender
Published in
2 min readOct 31, 2017


Well when it comes to reading many people in this world are confined with books. Though these enclosed relationship with books are not bad but somehow they have some bad impacts over the readers who read too much.

If you think that reading is good for you, think again cause here I am not talking about learning, literacy development, or other intellectual benefits that reading serves. Rather I am talking about reading for the soul — reading to feel better, to chase away from a bad mood, or to find balance in our lives through books. I am talking about reading the fictions in particular.

Fiction books can certainly do all of those things I've mentioned for us while they can be a free therapist or a medicine or can help with heartbreaks and moments of doubt with loneliness and insecurities.

But do they always?

The stereotype of an introverted reader is often such a figure who is disoriented in the sunlight and public places and wearing heavy-rimmed glasses mostly. Which sometimes associated with eye strain and comes at the expense of exercise and other physical activities. Additionally can be of poor diets and digestive problems, an unwelcome weight gain or loss, and generalized exhaustion.

Then comes the psychological side effects of reading which has one typical symptom that is guilt over unfinished (or untouched) house chores or homework, neglected relationships, unmade phone calls, and unresolved issues — all because we’ve abandoned reality, yet again, to do something we love the most — reading. And to compensate these areas, we multitask, sleep less, get up earlier, and go to work tired.

Along with all these, an abnormal reader who tends to read excessively will have form these key characteristics visible in them-

  • S/he would buy twice as many books as s/he reads
  • Will get obsessed with fictional characters
  • Will be into frustration most of the time
  • Will have dissatisfaction with reality
  • Can’t handle overthinking as it seems to come unnaturally naturally ;)
  • S/he will undoubtedly fall in love with people and places that don’t exist and this the most dreadful of them all

Obviously I’m not suggesting that books are bad, but when you’re trying to make original progress on anything, you actually need to spend time doing that specific task and not too much time observing. Books certainly give us the framework and basic ideas on how to do a particular job or how to lead a certain life but surely it can’t gave us the feeling of growing a garden without putting our hands into the dirt.

So too much of a good thing can actually be a bad thing!



Farzana Afrin Tisha
Book Defender

IT Business Developer, Digital Marketeer, Traveller, Reader, karateka.@http://bit.ly/2DtTLA0