Writing Advice Series

Don’t Be Afraid to Write!

Don’t let writer’s block or writer’s fear or anything else get in the way of creating the things you want to create

John Kremer
Book Marketing Stories
3 min readJun 16, 2020


When writing Medium posts, blog posts, social media posts, newsletter articles, reports, books, etc., don’t be afraid to write. Don’t let writer’s block or writer’s fear get in your way of being creative and sharing great content.

Don’t be afraid to write. Write what you love.
Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

Don’t be afraid to start something even though you might not succeed and will abandon your plan.

Don’t be afraid to fail. In fact, think you might fail or even will fail but be ready to try a new idea anyway. You might learn something new and might even succeed.

Don’t be afraid of the opinions or discouragement of others. You don’t even need to tell anyone your plans because others might disapprove and you might never even start.

Don’t be afraid to succeed. Success is strangely enough one thing that many are afraid of.

Don’t be afraid to imagine. That’s probably one of the best ways new ideas start.

Don’t be afraid others are better than you. It doesn’t matter. Don’t compare yourself to others.



John Kremer
Book Marketing Stories

Want to sell more books? John has helped authors and publishers sell over a billion books. More content and marketing ideas at BookMarketingBestsellers.com.