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How to Be Heard in Today’s World

Would you like to get the attention of key decision makers in your world of writing, publishing, marketing, or blogging?

John Kremer
Book Marketing Stories
3 min readJul 7, 2020


How to Sell Your Screenplays: Kick Down Doors and Wait
How to Sell Your Screenplays: Kick Down Doors and Wait

Do you want to know how to sell a screenplay to Hollywood or a book manuscript to New York? Follow the advice of David Sontag, a producer, screenwriter, and former president of 20th Century Fox.

While Sontag was on a panel at the Aspen Screen Writers’ Workshop, he was asked the following question: “How do I get my screenplay seen and read by someone who matters?”

Sontag answered very clearly, “If you know anyone in the industry, an actor, a director, a producer, kick down their front door and put your script in their hands. Then stand there while they read it! Mailing it to an agent will never work.”

Of course, he added a caveat: “Oh, and if anyone here knows where I live, forget that I said that.” But he did not need to worry. No one ever tried that advice on his door. And I’d be surprised if any desperate screenwriter or book author has ever tried that on any other doors.

But maybe they should. No, don’t kick down someone’s door. But you could camp out on their sidewalk out front. Or in…



John Kremer
Book Marketing Stories

Want to sell more books? John has helped authors and publishers sell over a billion books. More content and marketing ideas at BookMarketingBestsellers.com.