Book Marketing Tips series

Jack Canfield on Becoming a Bestseller

He took a 1,001 ideas and put them up on a wall to remind him what to do every day to market Chicken Soup for the Soul.

John Kremer
Book Marketing Stories
2 min readSep 23, 2016


Here’s a video excerpt from my friend Daniel Hall’s Real Fast Results podcast where he interviewed Jack Canfield, co-author of the bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul series.

Listen to Jack talk about how he and his co-author Mark Victor Hansen took hundreds of ideas from 1001 Ways to Market Your Books and placed them up on a wall as Post-It notes. And then took the notes down as they implemented the ideas. As Jack notes, it took them two years to carry out all the ideas but by then their book was at the top of the New York Times bestseller list.

Jack Canfield talking about putting book marketing Post-It notes up on the wall. (YouTube video screen grab)

And check out bestselling author Seth Godin’s advice on book marketing, writing blogs, and building tribes:



John Kremer
Book Marketing Stories

Want to sell more books? John has helped authors and publishers sell over a billion books. More content and marketing ideas at