Put Your Trust in God Today and Every Day *

With quotations from the Bible and the Book of Mormon

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A guided path leads to a clearing.
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Will God help you get the things you want?

He will. He has said so.

“O Lord, thou hast give us a commandment that we must call upon thee, that from thee we may receive according to our desires.”

— Ether 3:2

“Wait. What if what I want isn’t what God wants?”

God can make that known to you. But why focus on doubt?

What if God has put beautiful dreams in your heart? What if he wants you to call on him and ask him to help you bring them to fruition?

Call on God

A young man surveys the sunset.
Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash

God is literally your Father. He’s not a metaphor. Earthly fathers are the metaphor.

You lived with your Father in Heaven before you were born, and you were eager to come to earth. Some day you will return to him.

Internalize this, and the ability to call on him will come more naturally.

Keep it simple

  • Some people want to hear their voices calling on God. Some want to send him thoughts. You can do either or both.
  • Manners help. Address him by one of his names and thank him for what he has done.
  • Tell him what you want and why. He already knows, but he wants to hear you say it. The more detail, the better.
  • Kneeling is customary for a reason, but isn’t mandatory. You can be in any position. Try to be humble.

One more thing

  • Try promising to do the things he’s asked you to do.
  • Then do them.
  • Sometimes this makes things happen. Faster.

Remember to call on God in the name of Jesus Christ

A cloudburst with rays of the sun pointing to heaven.
Photo by eberhard 🖐 grossgasteiger on Unsplash

Why does this help?

Christ’s name has great power

In New Testament times, Roman rulers preferred not to say the name of Jesus Christ. They knew and feared its power. They called Jesus’ followers, “the sect of the Nazarenes.”

Acts 24:5 (KJV)

Jesus Christ is God’s son in the flesh

God sent him here to fulfill his eternal purposes.

  • Jesus overcame the world.
  • He showed us how to overcome it.
  • You can overcome anything with his help!

Read the last sentence again. You may enjoy saying it out loud.

Jesus promised to stay near by

It’s the last thing he said before he ascended into heaven.

“I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” Matt. 28:20

  • To get a feel for how powerful — and yes, real — this is, use a visualization. Set a chair by the side of the bed before you go to sleep. Envision Jesus sitting in it, watching over you. You’ll have less insomnia.
  • Learn more about Jesus Christ and life will be easier. Not necessarily easy all the time.

Respect the name of Jesus Christ and take full advantage of it.

Go “full-steam ahead” for what you want

A steam locomotive with the light on.
Photo by Adam Chang on Unsplash, edited by author.

Why does this please God?

It shows you believe you’re going to get what you asked for.

Whenever you’re not sure what to do next, ask yourself this question — a question so powerful that I like to call it the “dynamite question” —

“What would you do if you had more faith?”

— Russell M. Nelson

Go and do that.

For how long?

  • Until you get what you want. It may not happen immediately, but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen. Or —
  • Until you get a lead to do something else. When you call on God, you will often get leads. Another word for divine guidance.
  • God has a schedule. It may be different from yours. He’s patient with you, and wants you to be patient with him. To wait on him.

Keep calling on God.

“Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.”

Psalm 37:4–5.

God knows those who trust in him

Photo by Vitaliy 🇺🇦 on Unsplash

The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.

Nahum 1:7

God has big plans for you. That’s one of the reasons life is so tough. He’s preparing you for your divine destiny.

However, God has asked — he has commanded you— to call on him and ask for what you want. Your initiative furthers his purposes.

A practical experiment to grow your faith in God

  1. Keep a list or a journal of everything, large or small, that you ask God for. It may be a parking spot, help in working with a certain person, a loan, or something else.
  2. If you receive it, jot down the date.

Review your list from time to time. We have such short memories.

God answers our prayers in the way that’s best for us

Very often, but not always, he gives us exactly what we ask for.

Nothing ever has — or ever will — frustrate the purposes of God. So put your trust in him.

The Bible and the Book of Mormon are an example of the law of witnesses. God provides at least two witnesses of everything. See Deut. 19:15 and 2 Cor. 13:1 (both in the Bible).

Thank you for reading. © 2024 Jeanine Tew. All rights reserved.

More references. For more on how we lived with our Father in Heaven before we were born, see Abraham 3:22–23, Pearl of Great Price. For how our knowledge of our true relationship to God can affect our prayers, see Prayer, Bible Dictionary, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, p. 707. Your Father in Heaven knows what you want before you ask; Matt. 6:8. Christ has overcome the world; John 16:33. We can overcome the world; 1 John 5:4. The purposes of God cannot be frustrated; Doctrine and Covenants 3:1.

*This article is not professional advice. It’s my belief and conviction. Never ask God to help you do anything illegal, immoral, or unwise.



Jeanine Tew
Book of Mormon Stories and Other Stories of Faith for the 21st Century

We’re spiritual beings first. Linguist, M.A. Member, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I don't speak for the Church. On X.