Takara Diecast token giveaway campaign details

Project ORB Official Blog
2 min readFeb 22, 2017

Project ORB has partnered up with CollectableDiecast.com and, have decided to distribute special Diecast tokens throughout takara; the popular Bitcoin and Counterparty geocaching mobile app, created by Mandelduck!


Feb 27th ~ March 20th

How to set up Book of Orbs and takara

1. Install Book of Orbs (iOS& Android)

2. Install takara(iOS&Android)

iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/takara/id1009304559?ls=1&mt=8
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mandelduck.takara&hl=en

3. Connect Book of Orbs with takara

Touch the Book of Orbs logo image
Open the Book of Orbs app from takara and authorize linkage

4. Ready to pick up tokens!

Go to the spot on the map, where tokens have been dropped and pick them up via Takara! The tokens will be automatically sent to your address in Book of Orbs and, will be visible within the Diecast environment.

Diecast takara campaign details


Request for us, to drop the special campaign token “DIECASTTAK” near you through this form.

Confirm token availability on takara and go to the location, then pick it up! Don’t forget to take a picture of your surroundings at the same time!

Tweet with hashtags #takaradiecast #bookoforbs along with your Counterparty address and, attach the photo from above (a short comment, would be even nicer!)

If the tweet looks valid, we will contact you and ask you to send the token to a specific address.

We’ll send back 1 random Diecast Bronze card in return.

There is no real use case for Diecast tokens, but third party apps will likely bring some use cases to these tokens in the future, so keep them secure on your wallet!

This is an experimental campaign but if successful, we intend to host further, similar campaigns using takara. We hope to see lots of people participate and let us know what they think!

