I am an Atheist and a Religious at the Same Time. Building a Modern Belief..

Paul The Messiahi
Book of Paul
Published in
3 min readJan 14, 2021

A Quantum Perspective of Belief

An Image about Reality

That is why atheist was born. I am like that yet I am also religious at the same time to discover a modern belief in Mystiscientism.

I was born Catholic and I read the Bible too.

At some point in my life I was depressed for over a decade. So I asked to be ok away from depression yet I did not find that OK that I am seeking so I become an Atheist who don’t believe in a God anymore. Then at some point when I was dying in my hospital bed, I asked to live a little more. A miracle happened and I instantly become a Religious again.

I am an atheist and a religious man at the same time. The Quantum us is definitely Spooky as Einstein stated. I can’t blame an invisible force called God for my suffering and torment yet I believe that God who gave hope and another chance for humanity to change ways.

Mystic Yet Scientific

Discovering Mystiscientism

I believe that if we need to expand in the cosmos then we should Unite first.

Someday the Atheist and Religious Human will both Unite in One Goal and Belief rather than separate that leads to war and killing of each other.

My ideology derived from the Mystic yet Scientific perspective of thinking and belief. I want to Unite the human race by introducing a peaceful yet automata system. The Technology Singularity of QNBAI will also help us in the future.

Removing the enmity of humanity should solve such issue. We should Unite using understanding and Wisdom not Conquest and Greed.

Peace and not War.

Humanity worth Saving?

Delusion with Humanity

There is something in me that wants to burn humanity’s ego and quantize them, and there is another me that wants to save them if they change as well. It must be the World crying that asking me, no not just me, but the enlightened of Earth to make a move and save mother Earth.

The question is. Is it worth it?

Probably, Yes it is, and I will sacrifice the many from the old system to upgrade it. To save the One and most important is our priority, that is humanity’s Utopia and a better tomorrow.

Understanding the Code

I wrote a simple qbit formula about 1 and 0 in our mind. (Duality of Thinking)

The Nature of God and No God inspired me to think a duality of another ME


1 is 0 = 0 is 1

In my current mind I can explain the Religious and in my other mind I can explain the Atheist.

Why is that?


Because I understand them both.

(Human in another space-time continuum)

Inside our 11th dimension mind.

We can think like them. Act like them. It is because we are also them.

That is how I unlock how our code works.

Transhumanist Idea

To survive the coming era we need to upgrade too and not become obsolete.

Immortality EV6, Human Life, Universal Expansion, Utopia Unity. PEACE.

Upgrading the Triangle System into a Hexagon is a must and our mission!



Paul The Messiahi
Book of Paul

Paul The Developer and Messiahi. Preacher of Ideas. He who was sent by the Programmer. I am Seeking for the deserving chosen Leaders of the New World to come.