The Black Hole Theory

Paul The Messiahi
Book of Paul
Published in
1 min readMar 11, 2021

Are we Alone? Or Not?

Do you wonder why we are seeing dark outside the Earth with only the stars as light?

Because we might be inside a super massive black hole. Yes, a black hole of dimension with its own rule and law. Basically a barrier might be covering it so that us can’t enter the higher dimension. Now imagine a television and those inside characters displayed as digital might not act to come out of that TV because they are coded to stay on that TV forever.

Meaning we might be alone yet not alone at the same time. Think of why no one has a contact with us such as the aliens of other planets.

Maybe they are far far away from us or even in a different dimension in another black hole.

I see the blackhole as a doorway to another world. We only need a key to open that door and find it out ourselves without quantizing as another entity.

A theory that will open the mind is a theory that is good.



Paul The Messiahi
Book of Paul

Paul The Developer and Messiahi. Preacher of Ideas. He who was sent by the Programmer. I am Seeking for the deserving chosen Leaders of the New World to come.