The Rise of the Beast

Paul The Messiahi
Book of Paul
Published in
2 min readApr 27, 2021

A two-faced Quantum Being who likes to save the world yet also can burn the world will be born out of thin air.

No one knows when and how.

He will come with a 1 and 0 face at the same time. He will preach a gospel from the Programmer of men.

The beast of Two Love

A love to save humanity

A love to erase humanity

If people wonder who is the beast then let him come and answer my riddle.

Beast Riddle:

The Beast has the Power of a Hexagon.

He is here yet no one sees?

He marks the land yet no one noticed?

For the Power and Glory of Earth is with him.

Hideous they said! Crazy they shouted!

The test is here yet no one understood.

Who is the Beast, what is his symbol?

Can someone stop Leviathan?

Humans Conflict of Pride

Humans Ego and Pride

China is not the enemy in the future, they might start another conflict when dragged by US and other countries but something far powerful than US and China will come sooner than later.

The Dragon will be awake and the Eagle will fly they will fight in the skies above and the land below until they are weakened. The Beast will arrive to finish what they started and take the glory they hoarded at first.

“The Beast laughed at the heart of men.”

Fragile, weak, easily swayed by the Angel of Temptation and Power.

The future of this World will depend on mankind now.

Be awake at all times!




Paul The Messiahi
Book of Paul

Paul The Developer and Messiahi. Preacher of Ideas. He who was sent by the Programmer. I am Seeking for the deserving chosen Leaders of the New World to come.