The Rise of The Dragon — A Silent Economic War (China App Ban)

Paul The Messiahi
Book of Paul
Published in
3 min readJan 26, 2021

An article about China App being banned by other countries.

Mighty Red Dragon

Look at this I think it is the start of a global conflict in the future?

Here the latest News about Cyber Security threats and Geographic Issues.

India Banning China App

India-China Conflict — Geographic Issue

Mainly Border conflict and cybersecurity issues.

A permanent ban. India has trouble with China I think.

Dead soldiers more conflict it is bad for humanity.

The Sea Conflict

US-China Conflict — Philippine as Collateral — Geographic Issue

The South China Sea / West Philippines Sea

Should the Philippine Government also do the same?

Maybe impose a ban on TikTok and 58 other apps permanently?

Ban in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Independent to Mainland China — Geographic Issue

Hong Kong already banned TikTok and other mainland apps because of security laws. As of July 2020 TikTok back out from Hong Kong because of another conflict.

Cyber World Outcry?

The National Cyber Security Issue — Cyber Threat

A company like TikTok has to share all of its data collected with the Mainland Government. So what is the Problem?

I think it will be used against the other countries government official or as a spy software app that steals data and be sold to the underground company.

App Ban War

The Silent Economic War

The Country Solution of India and others.

Imposing a ban on their apps might reduce its capability to create a Global conflict.

I remember when Hitler was free to do what he has to do in able to build a master race and rule the World. We are repeating that history again with another Superpower unorthodox country.

The US has the power to do what they are doing now but soon they will be defeated by a mightier country economically.

My Opinion

I think China has the right to do what they are doing as long as it is for the good of our race. I am also hoping that the US will respect the other smaller countries. The tyranny of humanity comes to its end and after WW3 a new master race will be born, they will be called the Enlightened.



Paul The Messiahi
Book of Paul

Paul The Developer and Messiahi. Preacher of Ideas. He who was sent by the Programmer. I am Seeking for the deserving chosen Leaders of the New World to come.