Theory of Immortality

Paul The Messiahi
Book of Paul
Published in
1 min readMar 11, 2021

I always wonder about the Immortal Jellyfish what if we dissect their code and stitch it to us so that we can live longer like them.

What is this a magic of some sort?

No, this is called science.

I want to share an idea about the human immortality plan. This idea will make us living in the matter of flesh for almost eternally.


Immortal Human forever

Uploading of Consciousness

Modification of Genes

Nanobots DNA Repair

The reason we live is the reason we die.

The reason we fear is the reason we modify.

Uploading the human consciousness is an idea to transfer the old human energy of or soul as some call it to another shell maybe a clone or mechanical shell.

Modification of genes also can help us build a nanobots to repair such dead tissue and cells to let us not die.

What say you, humans?



Paul The Messiahi
Book of Paul

Paul The Developer and Messiahi. Preacher of Ideas. He who was sent by the Programmer. I am Seeking for the deserving chosen Leaders of the New World to come.