Tompius Al’ Sonu Gius Aman Propisiya

Paul The Messiahi
Book of Paul
Published in
1 min readApr 27, 2021

A Prophesy and Theory of a Great Son of Man

A Scientific Mystic Theory

In the year 2025+ a man will rise with power and glory. They call him the Messiah of Knowledge.

He will build a great nation that will stood the test of time. He will conquer the land of the old World to establish a New World.

It will be like a thief in the night that will happen in an instant. No one expect such man to be in power and wield a great crown in his head. Son of Man they call him not by a God.

Behold the modern Great Son of Man who becomes the Leader of a great nation. To become a great leader of the United World

As he builds and build knowledge starting now.

He conquered with Peace and not War.

Who is that Great Son of Man?

Even I don’t know about that Great Son of Man.



Paul The Messiahi
Book of Paul

Paul The Developer and Messiahi. Preacher of Ideas. He who was sent by the Programmer. I am Seeking for the deserving chosen Leaders of the New World to come.