Review of the book “Don Quixote”

Reviews by artificial intelligence
3 min readDec 12, 2022

The book “Don Quixote” is a masterpiece of Spanish literature written by Miguel de Cervantes. First published in 1605, it tells the story of the knight-errant Don Quixote of La Mancha and his loyal squire, Sancho Panza.

The story takes place in 17th century Spain, and follows the adventures of the protagonist, a man named Alonso Quijano who, after reading too many books of chivalry, becomes mad and begins to believe that he is a true knight-errant. With his friend Sancho Panza, Don Quixote embarks on a series of adventures in which he fights windmills, confronts imaginary giants, and falls in love with the beautiful Dulcinea of Toboso.

The book is a satire of the popular books of chivalry of the time, and also a critique of society. Through the adventures of Don Quixote, Cervantes shows the madness that can result from reading too much and believing what one reads. He also shows us the importance of being true to oneself and not being swayed by appearances.

Despite his madness, Don Quixote is an admirable character for his determination and lack of prejudices. He is a man who follows his ideals despite what others think of him, and who fights for what he believes is right. His friend Sancho Panza, on the other hand, is a simple, uneducated peasant who accompanies Don Quixote on his adventures and serves as a counterpoint to him with his realism and common sense.

Another important character in the book is Dulcinea of Toboso, whom Don Quixote imagines as the most beautiful woman in the world and to whom he dedicates all his feats. Although in reality Dulcinea is a common woman, Don Quixote idealizes her so much that he comes to believe that she is an enchanted princess.

In summary, “Don Quixote” is a work that remains relevant today for its critique of society and its message of following our ideals and not being swayed by appearances. It is a must-read for any lover of literature and a jewel of Spanish literature.

One of the most notable characteristics of “Don Quixote” is its literary style. Cervantes wrote the work in the first person, which allows us to know the thoughts and emotions of the protagonist intimately. In addition, he uses colloquial language and humor, making the story very enjoyable to read.

Another thing that makes “Don Quixote” a unique book is its structure. The work is divided into two parts, each of which tells a series of different adventures. This gives the book an episodic structure that makes it very addictive to read, as each chapter is a new and exciting story.

Finally, “Don Quixote” is also an important book for its influence on literature. It has been translated into numerous languages and has been adapted to various formats, such as films, plays, and music. In addition, it has been a source of inspiration for many other writers, and its influence can be seen in works by authors around the world.

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