How can AI help people make better decisions?

Machine Translation of Reviews in

Sathish Chander
Booking Product
Published in
9 min readDec 13, 2018


Since long, the time when we lived together as hunters and gatherers, we have been accustomed to follow what the majority went about. Why so?

Because it saved energy from spending it on trial and errors. It gave us quick and safe paths to pursue which was already tested for its risk and proven worthwhile our time.

The fundamental behaviour of humans hasn’t changed much in the millions of years whence passed. What has changed between then and now is only the medium through which we gather wisdom of the crowd.

Back then, people gathered in a spot, mostly designated as public square, to exchange information and collectively decide the next course of action. Today, we gather ourselves on Internet, a virtual meeting place, to assimilate public information and individually decide our actions.

Village is not the World:

Though the decision making process between then and now may appear to be same but they are quite not!

With internet and as a result of more information, dreams of an individual has grown, too. The volume and variety of information available on internet is much larger than what used to be few decades ago. And so…



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