First and Final: “The Call of the Wild”

A wonderful novella about a dog’s unexpected journey

Nanie Hurley 🌿
bookish nook


Without anthropomorphising Buck, Jack London brings the reader into the mind of the dog as he braves the unexpected journey that will reveal the dog’s true call. | Background photo by Katherine Hanlon on Unsplash; composition by Nanie Hurley 🌿.

I wouldn’t go as far as to say that The Call of the Wild is one of my favourite books, but it is undeniably a great story. Although slow to read at times, Buck’s adventures are fascinating.

There’s also something extra special about this book: it sparked the idea for the First &



Nanie Hurley 🌿
bookish nook

Bookworm, gamer, mom, writer, vegan, and human. I write about things that bring me joy. Top Writer in Books & Sustainability.