bookish nook | First & Final

First and Final: Gone for Good by Harlan Coben

My collection keeps growing

Nanie Hurley 🌿
bookish nook
Published in
4 min readJun 27, 2024


A floral background with a floral book on the left side. On the right side, the book cover by Gone for Good by Harlan Coben, featuring the profiles of a man and a woman, looking in different directions.
Composition by Nanie Hurley 🌿 on Canva.

I’ve been collecting opening and closing lines from the books I read. Some are, of course, better than others. That’s to be expected.

What I did not expect is that I now pay so much more attention to the opening and closing lines of the books I read. There’s also an anticipation about those lines. It’s made reading a little bit more fun than before.

My first intention with Gone for Good was to write only a First & Final article, but I ended up writing so much about the book itself that I decided to divide what I had to say into two stories. Here is the book review, if you want to read what I thought about it:

As for the first and final lines of the book, I can tell you I was pleasantly surprised both times. Harlan Coben has a masterful way of concocting powerful sentences.

Opening Line

“Three days before her death, my mother told me…



Nanie Hurley 🌿
bookish nook

Bookworm, gamer, mom, writer, vegan, and human. I write about things that bring me joy. Top Writer in Books & Sustainability.