Finding Out I Am Expecting

Aubrey Hampton
Published in
3 min readOct 8, 2020

I woke up in the middle of the night feeling nauseous. Ben (My Partner) and I had plans to go visit family that morning. I decided to go back to sleep, I would probably feel better when I woke up, right? Wrong. I felt even worse. Ben and I decided it was best not to make the long car ride and let me rest as I was feeling super sick and exhausted.

After spending most of the morning in bed, Ben decided to try and cheer me up by suggesting we go get some snacks from the shop across the street. At first, I was not feeling it, but then I decided I might feel better if I ate. So I threw some sweats on, and looking like complete garbage, we headed to the shop. As I was browsing the isles, I noticed they were selling pregnancy tests. I looked at Ben with worry and although he was doubtful we went ahead and got one. In his defense, without going into details, we were always pretty responsible. We had been together for almost 4 years (high school sweethearts) with no problem at all. We got the snacks and test and went home.

When I got home, I quickly went to the bathroom and took the test. Now if you have never taken a pregnancy test before, as the liquid runs through the test the line appears across the front, but it can take up to two minutes. As soon as I peed on the test and that liquid went across the screen, my jaw dropped. It was instantly positive. “Oh my god. Oh my god!” I yelled. Ben immediately ran in and his eyes widened. “This can’t be right, go get another one!” I said. As Ben went to check out at the shop (I stayed home in utter shock of course) the cashier asked, “Did the first one not work?” Ben, being the smart-ass he is, says, “Oh no, I think it might of worked a little too well!” They talked and laughed for what felt like ages as I wait alone in the bathroom only growing more anxious. Although, it is funny now, that wait felt like forever. Once he got home, I waited a bit and took the other test. It was instantly positive again. Ben stayed home from work and took me to the health department to confirm it. Once the health department confirmed it, I was speechless. A million thoughts instantly rushed through my head. How was I going to tell our family? Ben held my hand and assured me everything was going to be okay.

For the most part, our families reactions were very gentle and loving. Of course, there was the initial shock of it all. They were worried, but I had hope they would come around. After awhile, they realized even though getting pregnant young isn’t ideal, we would be good parents and everyone wanted to make this situation a positive one. If we switch to current day, I am already being flooded with baby gifts and excitement by the family members who were once “skeptical” haha! I am super grateful for this as I had kept myself up stressing for nights on end about the entire situation. We didn’t want to announce it just yet publicly, but we felt it was only right to tell our close friends and family. We needed the emotional support. After all, the beginning of pregnancy is terrifying. I was just thankful Ben was being so kind and supportive through it all. The story of us finding out I was expecting is definitely something I will remember forever.

