A year full of books

Andrea Dardón Pell
Books and Pudding
Published in
1 min readFeb 15, 2018

Hello! I am Andrea. I have been writing for a while about my travels around the world, but I have yet to write about all those beautiful lands I constantly visit through the books I read.

For years I have followed book blogs which inspire me to read more and have helped me find fantastic new reads. I’ve been meaning to do the same, share my own experiences on reading. Perhaps now that I have settled in the amazing city of San Francisco I can start writing more about the new lands I will visit through books and stories, especially since I’m reading a lot thanks to my daily bus commute.

I might even include some recipes from my favorite cooking books (hence the pudding). I also plan on visiting every single bookstore in the city and write about them!

I am excited about starting a new year filled with books. I hope you can join me!

Originally posted on January 21st, 2018 on Books & Pudding Wordpress Blog.

