Medium Introduces ‘Lists’ to Organize and Share Stories

Medium Readers can share ideas and stories with ‘Lists’

Rubaiyat Rahman
Books and Reviews
Published in
6 min readJul 14, 2021


This week, the Medium brings additional renovation to the ‘Reading List’ feature.

In the preceding months, this open platform brought several updates for Medium writers.

This time, the Medium has focused on its readers to introduce frictionless and clutterless reading vibe.

For readers of the Medium, this update would improve the navigational accessibility of reading list stories.

It is also available in the mobile app of the Medium.

As a result, the Medium readers can now enjoy more frictionless reading of their favorite stories and share them in more organized manners.

Readers now connect with the stories and post they care about most.

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Earlier, avid readers of this open publishing platform, who have long archive of reading list, would have to scroll down the long list to find their preferred stories.

A few days after reading a story and saving it in Reading Lists, if the Medium readers…



Rubaiyat Rahman
Books and Reviews

A South Asian Academic, Book Reviewer, Maritime & International Affairs Analyst. Rubaiyat loves to wade across the universe of Reading and Writing.