Adverbs of Manner

Antonio Valencia
Books for English
Published in
Sep 11, 2021


Adverbs of manner give information about the way (how) something is done, and they emphasise the action. They usually come after a verb and sometimes before it.

They are formed by adding -ly to the adjective (badly, exactly, loudly, nicely, politely…).

For example:
“Quick” ⇒ “He quickly kissed the girl on the cheek.” / “He very quickly kissed the girl on the cheek.” = We add -ly, and very to add extra emphasis to the action.

Some adverbs of manner are irregular and maintain the same form as adjectives (fast, well, hard, late, straight…).

For example:
“Straight” ⇒ “Walk straight, the Chinese restaurant is there.” = Straight remains the same.

NOTE: They can be used after words like very or too.

