Be going to

Verb Phrase

Antonio Valencia
Books for English
Published in
2 min readApr 26, 2020


The verb phrase be going to is a a structure that refers to the future.

Be going to refers to strong intentions and future plans.

  • Affirmative: Subject + to be + going to + verb + …
  • Negative: Subject + to be + not + going to + verb + …
  • Interrogative: To be + subject + going to + verb + …?

For example:
— Affirmative: “I am going to go to work.
— Negative: “I am not going to go to work, I am going to the shop.
— Interrogative: “Are you going to work?

We can use be going to to express predictions, things that are about to happen and commands.

For example:
— “I am going to send him an email about my decision.” = We use be going to to show the speaker’s intention of sending an email, but it is not arranged yet.
♦ “I am sending him an email about my decision tonight.” = We use present continuous for future to show that it is already arranged that the speaker will send an email.

