So that vs So … that

Antonio Valencia
Books for English
Published in
1 min readSep 11, 2021


We use the adverb clause of result so that to highlight the consequence of an action or purpose. So that is used between clauses.

So that (as an adverbial clause of result) and so…that (as an adverb of degree) are two different structures but we can omit that in both cases.

The structure of so that is:
Clause 1 + so that + clause 2

The structure of so… that is:
Clause 1 + so + adjective/adverb + that + clause 2

For example:
— “I will save some money so that I can go on holiday.” = We use so that to express the consequence of saving money.
— “I am so rich that I don’t have to save money to go on holiday.” = We use so…that to compare the condition and the result.


