If Verity is ever made into a movie, these actors would perfectly fit the main roles

Books That Slay Editors
Books That Slay
Published in
3 min readApr 18, 2024
Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Ever thought which characters can play the big roles if Verity ever gets adapted into a the big screen (or small screen for that matter)?

I think I have bottomed down the right options.

Let me know what you think.

Rosamund Pike as Verity Crawford

She has this icy, elegant presence that makes her instantly intimidating, yet there’s a flicker of something unsettling lurking just below the surface.

Remember Amy Dunne in “Gone Girl”?

That blend of cool composure masking a deeply manipulative and disturbed personality is EXACTLY the vibe Verity needs.

Pike could absolutely pull off Verity’s twisted games and the way she switches seamlessly from wounded and sympathetic to chillingly dangerous.

Plus, it doesn’t hurt that she’s stunning, the way Verity is described in the book — the kind of beauty that can be both captivating and unnerving all at once.

I can totally picture her delivering Verity’s most disturbing lines with a chillingly placid smile.

Chris Evans as Jeremy Crawford

Chris Evans as Jeremy is a perfect fit.

We all know he can do the handsome, all-American hero thing, which is definitely part of Jeremy’s early appeal. He’s got that natural charm and charisma that would make Lowen (and the audience) fall for him.

But here’s the thing — Evans has serious range.

Think about his layered performances in movies like “Knives Out” or “Gifted”. He can do vulnerability, and he can hint at something deeper and potentially darker lurking under the surface.

That’s essential for Jeremy, a man who seems perfect on the outside but hides secrets and a growing desperation.

Evans could ace that slow unraveling as things get intense in the story.

Sydney Sweeney as Lowen Ashleigh

She has this underlying vulnerability that makes you want to root for her, which is perfect since Lowen is a struggling writer who’s been thrown into this incredibly bizarre situation.

But, there’s a spark in Sweeney’s eyes too, a hint of determination that lets you know there’s more to Lowen than meets the eye.

Just think about her performances in “Euphoria” and “The White Lotus”.

She showed incredible range, from quietly devastated to fiercely defiant.

That’s the kind of emotional shift Lowen goes through as she gets sucked deeper into the mystery of the Crawford family.

Sweeney could totally nail Lowen’s growing unease and that sense of both intrigue and mounting fear as she realizes things aren’t what they seem.

Finn Wolfhard as Crew Crawford

He has this innate ability to project a sense of unease and a touch of darkness — perfect for a kid who’s been through trauma and carries this weight around him.

Think about his portrayal of Mike in “Stranger Things” and Richie in “It”.

In both, he manages to be funny and endearing, but there’s always this undercurrent of something deeper, a hint of the shadows he’s battling.

That blend would be so fitting for Crew.

He’s a sweet kid at heart, but there’s this haunting, otherworldly quality about him because of what he’s witnessed and experienced. Finn could totally nail that duality!

Do you agree with my list?

If yes, who do you think should play Harper Crawford, Corey and Ms. Grant?

