Books vs. Movies: My Personal Experience

Emma Karsten
Books vs. Movies Project
2 min readDec 9, 2018

Some books make me happy. Some books make me want to cry, but in the end books are something I can run back to whenever they’re needed. I’ve pushed this project back A LOT this semester, so in the past week I’ve read 4 books, watched 5 movies, and finished writing my articles on the differences. I also wrote articles about which was preferred, Books or Movies, so I thought I’d owe my own preference too.

I would have to say that I like books more than movies simply because you can use your own imagination including every intricate detail that you picture as you absorb the words. The only types of books I used to read were romance and historical fiction (but not too historical), yet while pursuing this project I’ve forced myself to explore more genres. From this I’ve discovered that I do like Sci-Fi/ Dystopian Novels like the Hunger Games(which does hold romance and maybe that’s why I liked it so much), and that all books hold there own unique story that you have to read to discover.

I can read in a room of socializing people. I get lost in a book and the world can’t pull me out of it. Books are sort of like a drug, my drug. Some people are addicted to reading while others try it once and say no. So I guess you could say that I’m “addicted” to reading, which is probably why I prefer it over movies. And I know that movie give you real life visuals, but so do books you just have to do it yourself.

So I guess you could say that my preference is books, and don’t get me wrong I love movies too, but this time books take the win.

