Movies vs. Books! Which One’s Better and Their Differences.

Emma Karsten
Books vs. Movies Project
2 min readOct 17, 2018

Things I enjoy…

  1. ) reading books
  2. ) watching the book’s movies

As I continue to do both of these things I have realized many differences between the two. My main thoughts were “Why do movies leave out main points of books?”, “How does that prevent or intrigue people to read the book and or watch the movie”, and lastly “Which one is more preferred, books or movies, and why?” Each of these articles will be examples, or will show the differences in specific book/movie combos.

Article 1: Preferences (movies)

This first and second articles are going to be about preferences. I went around the school and gathered information asking “Which do you prefer, reading the book or watching the movie, and why so?”. For example would you rather read the Harry Potter books or watch their movies(this is not an actual question I asked). This was the outcome…

According to my study more people prefer to watch a movie instead of reading the book itself, but the reasons of which were all similar.

For movies people like Maya Austin(freshman) said, “Movies, because I’m more of a visual person, I’d rather see it than have to make it up in my head”. Cole Newport(sophomore) held a repetitive point also. He said, “Watch the movie, because I don’t like reading”. I was thinking that only boys would say that they disliked reading, but girls like Ava Wardlaw(freshman) and Emily Patton(sophomore) agreed with that statement too. Mr. Miller, a teacher here at Olathe West, sided with movies too. Going along with movies being visual he also said, “I’d rather watch the movie, because I think Hollywood does a good job at emphasizing the major plots”. My last reason movies were preferred was simply because of time. Summer Sperke and Ruth Pickens both said that books took to long to read and that they didn’t have enough free time to read a whole book, where as a movie is only 2–3 hours long.

My next article will fill you in on why books are preferred, and also why some people agree on both.

