Book Signing Ideas for a Successful Book Promotion

Michael Spelling
Published in
4 min readSep 28, 2016

When it comes to book promotion one of the most commonly used methods of advertising are book signings. Book signings give readers a chance to meet their favorite authors in person, have their copies autographed and if they are lucky even have a short chat with the author.

In many ways Book signings are a very satisfying event for both the author and the fan. The author is given the chance to meet face to face with his or her fans and the fans in return are given a rare chance to see their favorite authors and have their own copies signed and maybe even get a few writing tips from the authors.

But as effective as book signings are when it comes to book promotion, book signings can also end disastrously if not done properly. This is why it is very important to pull off book signings properly. Here are some book signing ideas that will help make book signings a success.

Advertise thoroughly before the event

One of the biggest mistakes done when it comes to books signings is the lack of advertising. There are so many ways that you can advertise a book signing.

You can have advertisements put on newspapers and magazines although it may costs you a bit. You can also advertise it by word of mouth advertising and putting up advertisements on Facebook.

Make thorough preparations

Making preparations is necessary if your Book signing is to succeed. One of the first things you should take care of is where to hold the book signing. You can hold them practically everywhere, some of the best being parks and libraries. Although traditionally they are held at bookstores so that it can also aid books sales. It is also a good idea to have your book signings at place that complement your book.

One example is having your book signing at a culinary school if your book is a culinary book. It is always a good idea to follow the genre of your book and pattern your book signing ideas after it.

Find a suitable host for your book signing

It is a good idea to find a suitable host for your book signing. Although it can cost you a bit, having a good host to complement your book signing can prove invaluable.

It is advisable to have a host that is familiar with the genre of your book. Try getting a blogger so that you have a combination of marketing and hosting.

Announce your book signing through your Blog site

Blog sites are now a legitimate way of advertising. Nowadays blog sites are being used not only to show your perceptions on life, but are being also used to advertise products, venues and technically everything under the sun. It is also a great way to create a fan base for your books.

And this very same blog site could also inform your existing fan base of your upcoming book signing.

Create a unique theme for your book signing

When it comes to book signings you should have a unique theme that will capture your reader’s attention. It can be anything you can think of. Just as long as it coincides with your book’s genres.

Make it a family event

Don’t be embarrassed to ask help from family and friends. By asking your family and friends you can make your book signing a family event and give it a more family friendly feel. And by having your close relations help with your book signing, you can also cut costs and have the help of at least a dozen people.

Make a schedule

When you hold a book signing you should have a well-organized schedule so that you can keep track of the whole event. Without it your book signing could become chaotic and lose all semblance of being a book signing event.

Be open with your audience

Once your book signing has begun you should make an effort to talk to your fans during the event. It is always a good idea to address your fans with a smile and a comradely manner. This will give you a good reputation as an approachable and down-to earth. Because let’s be honest nobody likes a snob.

Enjoy the event!

The event is all about you and your book, so you should enjoy every minute of it. Read passages of your book for your fans, move about and talk to everyone, tell them about your book and the many merits of it. This is a culmination of all your preparation so enjoy yourself!

Sign as many books as you can and give your fans pointers on how to write in their respective genres. Always remember that your fans look up to you so you should encourage them as much as possible. You should recognize the fact that your work has inspired them to write and that you should be both flattered and feel responsible for their growth as writers.



Michael Spelling

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