The Librarian Trilogy: Family Friendly Adventure

A look back at TNT’s The Librarian Trilogy and its continued appeal.

Connlyn Sinclair
Bookworms, Gamers, and Film Buffs


Noah Wyle at Comic Con in 2010 photographed by Starbright31 reposted under a Creative Commons 2.0 License

As I have said many times before I love TV movies. Most TV movies are small budget wonders done on a small scale or have plots that take place in small towns. One notable exception to this format is TNT’s The Librarian Trilogy. With the second sequel TV series going to premiere this year and all three movies streaming on Tubi I figured it was time to look back at this early 2000s adventure series.

The Librarian Trilogy was pitched as ‘Don Knotts plays Indiana Jones’ but I feel like a better description of it ‘ is what if Indiana Jones learned an important lesson every adventure in the vain of a children’s book character.’

That’s not to say that The Librarian Trilogy is too childish but it is very much family friendly fantasy in the same vain as Star Wars and The Chronicles of Narnia. It was intended to be watched with your kids much like how my mom and I watched it back in 2004.

The Librarian Trilogy stars Noah Wyle (ER/Falling Skies) as Flynn Carsen a super smart but underachieving 30-something who has 23 college degrees and can only find work as a New York librarian.

As ‘the librarian’ Flynn is responsible for guarding such treasures as…



Connlyn Sinclair
Bookworms, Gamers, and Film Buffs

Sci-Fi/Fantasy writer with an interest in fairy tales and prehistory my collection of fairy tale retellings is available from Anamcara Press