If You Never Started Drinking And Drugging…

Charley Warady
Boomer Stories
Published in
3 min readJul 3, 2017

…you wouldn’t be an alcoholic or a drug addict!

“Trump is good for the country”, is probably the only phrase I’ve heard that is more stupid.

I haven’t had a drink in over 29 years. I am almost 62 years old. You figure it out.

I had my first taste of booze when I was 8 days old. I’m Jewish. You figure it out.

I am an alcoholic. I have the disease of alcoholism. If you don’t believe that alcoholism is a disease…you’re wrong. I don’t need to argue about it or try to prove it. It’s been proven too many times to waste space here. If you’re looking for proof, the wheelchair is in our brain. If you look in our ear on a sunny day, you can see it.

I just heard from an old friend of mine from grade school that she couldn’t believe I used drugs in high school (we knew each other since grade school and I started doing drugs in eighth grade. Not often. Still at the experimenting stage). She told me she was so disappointed and no wonder I had so many problems. If she wasn’t so dense she would have realized that the drugs and the alcohol solved the problems…they didn’t create them.

You tell me that kid in the foreground doesn’t need a drink. He looks happy. He has braces on his teeth. He’s alone in a room full of people. The most interesting part is that he doesn’t care. He’ll talk to people, and dance, and fit in. But someone with a camera caught an alcoholic in his developmental stage. He is all alone in a room full of people.

Soon, alcohol and drugs will provide the miracles. He’ll be sociable; popular; funny; he’ll get his braces off (nothing to do with the disease); and there will still be a hole deep inside of him that he’d had since he could remember that couldn’t get filled. The booze and drugs were a temporary solution, even at a young age. And it lasted a long time. It wasn’t an escape; it was a rescue.

Then it stopped working, and he tried like hell to get it to work again, but no matter how hard he tried, the worse it got. But that was much later. That was as an adult. The disease doesn’t necessarily kick in as an adult. Mine didn’t.

I sometimes wonder what would have happened if I never had a drink or a drug when I was growing up. The only thing I can think of is being one of those teen suicides we all feel so terrible about. Alcohol and drugs saved my life for a long time…and then it tried to kill me. What kind of a friend is that?

So, it amazes me that a very long time friend could say something so unfeeling and stupid. A bigger man would have understood that not everyone understands the disease and we have to accept that. Either fortunately, or unfortunately, I was not that bigger man.

I told her to fuck-off.

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Charley Warady
Boomer Stories

A stand-up comedian and author making Stoicism fun. @Medium @Creative Cafe