
New Publication for Baby Boomers

A call for submissions!

Liz Porter
Published in
4 min readMay 10, 2021


Logo for new publication — black background with watermelon pink lettering — Boomerangs — Baby Boomers on the rebound.
Logo for Boomerangs-Courtesy of the Author and Canva

“One minute you’re young and fun and the next you’re turning down the car stereo so you can see better.”

— Unknown

What the hell is a hyperlink?

It wasn’t too long ago that I said those exact words to my good friend Kim. She’s a lovely girl, so she didn’t laugh, well, in my presence anyway!

She’s much younger, so I’m sure that simple techie question had her wondering about my mental capabilities.

The good news; she was patient, and I mastered the hyperlink situation.

And since then (2017), this old dog has been learning new online tricks, especially after deciding I needed a website.

Holy…what a fiasco that was!

I’ve come a long way, but it’s been super challenging. Just when you think you have something figured out, things change, and my ratty keyboard is evidence of the frustration!

I don’t think anything stays stagnant online for more than a week — and don’t even talk to me about what an overnight algorithm change can do to screw up a business.



Liz Porter

Top Writer - Author - Founder of Boomerangs & the Advantage Medium Publications. Retired Boomer Writing with Truth & Humour to empower, educate and entertain!