Being Grandpa Is The Best!

Savoring the joys of grandkids

Frank Ciavarella


Photo by Izzy Park on Unsplash

Last night I was sitting in my chair in our bedroom, reading my Kindle.

It was about 7:30 and just about the time my grandkids, who are living with us, would be getting ready for bed. I heard some commotion and then a few squeals and then I heard my daughter say to Luke, my 6-year-old grandson.

“Luke, go show this to Grandpa.”

In about 2 seconds flat he was at my side showing me two different awards he had received at school that day. One was a spelling test from last Friday. He had scored, as usual, 100% and was waving it with a big smile. Then he pulls out the BIG one. A certificate with his name on it which said something to the effect that he had gotten the BEST WRITER AWARD!

Now he is beaming. “I’m the best writer in the class, Grandpa!”

He knows me and he knows there is nothing else he could say to me that would get my attention and my praise. I did my best, in my non-hysterical manner, to let him know that this was THE top award he could possibly get. And he knew it.

So I reach for my wallet, which just happened to be on the nightstand, and start looking for a dollar, which I sometimes give him for superior school work. While I’m searching, he sees a $20 in there.



Frank Ciavarella

Accentuating life and family experiences. For me, writing is a journey.