A Test of Patience and Maturity

Fear of Failure and Success As a Writer

A trial-and-error process on the road to writing a book during a slight mid-life crisis.

Tammy Hader - Author of Walking Old Roads
Published in
5 min readAug 21, 2021


I’m about to try something that scares the hell out of me.

I’m frightened of the potential for failure, and I’m frightened of the possible repercussions of success. With over fifty-plus years of living under my belt, I’m familiar with many proverbial forks in the road.

The forks don’t surprise me anymore. I’m prepared to suffer the consequences headed my way, good or bad. Even so, reinventing myself as a writer is a crazy idea at my age, unless it works and then I’ll wonder what took me so long to get here.

I’ve got 42,000 words written to date for my alleged book.

The time has come to search for a literary agent or a publishing company willing to take a chance on an unknown woman trying something new amid what may be a slight mid-life crisis.

Conditions are favorable for an avalanche of rejection to crush my self-esteem into a paper-thin covering over my heart and soul. So many modern-day greats were buried under a pile of rejections before being found by the one who shared their vision. If it’s difficult for the greats, then…



Tammy Hader - Author of Walking Old Roads

Ex-accountant, lifetime cat lover and avid wearer of hats. Author of Walking Old Roads available on Amazon.com. Visit me at https://tammyhader.com.