Forget 100

Wondering what happens when I hit 200 followers

John Lewis


Could this be me? Photo by Ralph (Ravi) Kayden on Unsplash

It wasn’t that long ago that I was among the writers that had less than 100 followers on Medium. This didn’t really bug me, until all the hoopla came up about the platform and ‘needing’ a minimum of 100 plus followers here in order to continue in the Partner program. There were visions of them offering me a blindfold and cigarette at dawn as I stood to attention in front of a line of editors, being asked for “any LAST words?” if that 100 wasn’t reached.

It seems it will never come to that, though.

Now, I don’t know what it means if you are dropped from the MPP (as it’s affectionally known), so I just soldiered on putting words together and seeing if folks liked how I did it.

My writing started to take off, and the followers, well — followed. More and more as time passes, bringing up an inevitable question: what happens when the number passes 200?

After all, if 100 was a number with significant magical properties and you keep going, what do you get when you DOUBLE that?

A list of possibilities springs to mind.

  • A Unicorn of exceptional beauty and power farting rainbows at your enemies on command.
  • Your own political party composed solely of your followers that sweeps you…



John Lewis

John Lewis was born in Europe, and came by both wanderlust and curiosity from that beginning. He considers this his Third Act in Life.