Ghosting — The Gateway to Blissful Unawareness

How to see the silver lining under the heavy coat of rejection.

Tammy Hader - Author of Walking Old Roads


Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

I have received rejection emails from six literary agents, and your sympathy is not requested. I’m thrilled to have been notified of six agents’ inability to connect with my writing and their complete lack of confidence in being able to sell my manuscript to a publisher.

I know my elation sounds strange. You’re probably thinking I’m a glass-half-full kind of gal. No, I’m not. I’m quite realistic about the condition and purpose represented by a glass of water.

Before I go any further toward the direction of Rejection Road, I’d like to take a moment to venture onto a slight detour and extend a sincere thank you to the readers of the Boomerangs publication on My two previous articles about attempting to turn my manuscript into a book have garnered a lot of great advice from several of you. All suggestions and/or constructive criticisms are welcome and appreciated.



Tammy Hader - Author of Walking Old Roads

Ex-accountant, lifetime cat lover and avid wearer of hats. Author of Walking Old Roads available on Visit me at