Head and Shoulders — Knees and Toes

Improving your knee health without surgery

Janet Mary Cobb (she/her)
Published in
3 min readSep 18, 2021


Photo credits: Head: Andrea Piacquadio; Shoulders: Brett Sayles; Knees: Kindel Media; Toes: cottonbro, all pictures from Pexels

KNEES and Toes…

I’ll venture to guess that if you were raised in America, you remember the childhood song “Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes” and gently touching the various body parts as we sang the words. The song is likely running through your head right now — becoming an earworm.

And if you’re a Boomer like me, you might also be thinking, “Ah, but it’s not so easy to touch those knees and toes anymore.” Your knees may have begun to get stiff and painful in your mid-fifties.

I’m 57 now. A few years ago, I noticed that after sitting for any length of time, I struggled to straighten my legs. Walking up and down stairs became more difficult. My knees just weren’t working like they used to.

With the passing months I began to wonder, “Is this going to just be life from now on? Am I that old?”

I’d transitioned to sitting long hours for work compared to when I was a high school teacher and administrator, but I wouldn’t consider myself sedentary. I gardened, biked a few times a week in summer months, and walked more than 10 miles a week.

But something was desperately wrong.



Janet Mary Cobb (she/her)

Janet writes to make sense of life, challenge the status quo, and encourage everyone to live authentically and radically good lives — to work for a just world.