How the Decline in Baby Boomers Has Forever Changed the Face of America

A New Atmosphere Prevails

Ellen Baker
2 min readOct 22, 2021


Image by Rudy Anderson from Pixabay

We are disappearing! We are used to being the majority. That is changing, and with it, attitudes are changing.

Who are Baby Boomers?

Most countries have a generation called “Baby Boomers”. The United States defines these as people born between 1946 and 1964.

The baby boomer population spiked after troops returned from World War II. The economy was recovering and people felt more confident about starting families. Baby Boomers and have been the largest generation until recently. They have made a significant impact on the economy but now 10,000 are retiring every day. In fact, more retired in 2020 than any other year. That means that as of September 2021, about 40% of Boomers have retired. 400x700

What is Different About the Different Generations?

Political views of baby boomers tend to be conservative. Their opinions often clash with those of younger generations. They are a generation of workaholics, loyal to employers and afraid of losing their jobs. Generations following them are more liberal and try to maintain a work/home balance.

What Will Change As Baby Boomers Die Off?

As Baby Boomers leave the scene, the number of younger people will increase, since Millenials now outnumber Boomers.

Politics will reflect their loss, as later generations are less conservative. The exact extent of that change is hard to predict.

Divisiveness will most likely increase. Since younger generations are more liberal in their views of social issues, the differences will be fewer. Yet, Baby Boomers tend to accept dissenting opinions more generously. The X Generation and Millenials tend to be more vehement in their disagreements. So controversy will likely be more heated.

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Ellen Baker

Writing about the wonderful life of Nana/Mom, retired person who forgets she is not young anymore, and whatever else lghts an inner fire.